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You stared at her, then smiled. "Good, I'm not the only girl."

!Lets continue, shall we!

You talked with the Host Club for a bit. Of course, you're going to start hosting tomorrow, and you were glad for that. You just wanted to know the others and catch up with Kyoya.
"(Y/n)-chan, do you want to eat some cake with me and Usa-chan?" Honey asked, holding up a cake with white icing and a strawberry. "Of course, Honey sempai." You smiled, Honey was just so adorable, how could you say no?

You ate the cake, sitting on the couch and laughing as the twins annoyed Tamaki. Tamaki yelled at them and they put up their hands in defense, both smirking. You glanced over to Kyoya, who was writing in a note book. You wondered why Kyoya asked you to be in the Host Club. You were happy that your friend asked, but you still wondered.

"So, (Y/N), what made you accept Kyoya's request to join the Host Club?" Haruhi asked, turning to you. Everyone else was curious as well, and turned to you. Even Tamaki and the twins stopped bickering, wanting to know the answer as well.

You thought for a moment, though you already knew the answer. You looked down at your plate with the half-eaten piece of cake. You rubbed the back of your neck and blushed, embarrassed. "I suppose it was because I was a bit lonely. Mom and dad is always at work and the maids and butlers always have chores to do. I dont have any friends, so I'm always alone." The others stared at you. Tamaki then ran over and hugged you, rubbing his cheek on you. "My little angel, dont worry daddy and his friends will be your friends." Kaoru and Hikaru grabbed the 'king' by his shoulders and pulled him off you.

"Boss stop being such a pervert," Hikaru said.
"and you yell at us for making her uncomfortable." Kaoru said.

Tamaki's cheek's grew red. You giggled and smiled. "Of course, I also joined the Host Club to help Kyo. He was my only friend, like a brother, I'll always help him. I will try my best to help the club. " You said, determined. Kyoya smiled as did the other members of the club, except Mori, who seemed to be made of stone.

"Aww, (Y/n) you're so cute!" Tamaki cried, hugged you tightly. The twins, again, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him off you.

"Jeez, boss," Hikaru said.
"you really are a perv." Kaoru finished.

"Shut up!" Tamaki growled at them. You giggled. You knew you were going to enjoy it here.

 You knew you were going to enjoy it here

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"I have to stay to go over somethings." Kyoya said, typing on his laptop. The others had already left for the day. They had waved their good-byes, Tamaki giving you a hug. You nodded, and walked out of the room. You needed to walk for a bit, and you wanted to see more of the place.

You pasted the empty class rooms and windows. You then looked out one, gaping at how beautiful the gardens were. You then made your way to the stairs. Wow this place really is huge. You thought. You walked down the stairs, seeing a familiar set of amber hair. Kaoru and Hikaru. 

You liked them, they were funny. Though you could automatically tell that just because they looked alike doesn't mean their personalities were. Kaoru seemed more caring and more mature then Hikaru. You opened your mouth to say 'hello' but let out a gasp as your foot slipped on a stair, causing you to fall.

The twins turn around, having heard the gasp. "(Y/n)?" They asked in unison. Thats when they realized you were falling, but it was too late.

You fell on Kaoru, causing you both to fall down the rest of the stairs. You and Kaoru landed on the bottom of them with a loud thud. Hikaru just stood there, wondering what the hell just happened.

"I'm so sorry! It was a accident!" You said, you put your hand beside his head and pushed yourself up a little bit. You looked down at Kaoru, seeing how close your faces were. Kaoru blushed deeply. "Are you okay?!"

~Kaoru's pov~

"Are you okay?!" She asked, looking down at me. I stared into her (E/c) eyes, blushing deeply. She didn't seem to notice how close our faces were. My heart was beating fast. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

"Thats good." She sighed in relief and moved off me. "I'm sorry, I slipped on the step." (Y/n) apologized again. She let out her hand, which I took. She helped me up and I laughed. "No worries." I dusted off my suit and fixed it so there weren't any wrinkles.

"Well, Kyoya's probably wondering where I am, again, I am sorry, Kaoru." She bowed. "Its fine." I say reassuringly. (Y/n) smiled and walked up the steps. "Make sure you dont slip on any of the steps!" I say to her. I heard her laugh as I saw her disappear up the steps.

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