The Beach

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"But we're good looking idiots." You all laughed as you continued to walk down the hall, joking. 

!Lets continue shall we!


Before you knew it, it was Saturday and the Host Club, you included, were at the beach. Even the girls and boys who went to the Host Club was there.

Kyoya had a beach house there, so we were staying there still Sunday noon. You all placed your belongings in the beach house and went out.

Kyoya placed a beach chair down and laid on it, reading a book. Tamaki was with Haruhi, talking about who knows what, but you knew what ever it was made her mad because she sat beside Kyoya, ignoring Tamaki. Kaoru was burying Hikaru with sand.

"(Y/n)-chan! Wanna swim with us?" Honey said, running up to you. "Honey-senpai! You look so cute!" You said. He was wearing a float around his waist. He winked. "I know."

You chuckled. "I'll love to swim." You replied. You took off your long white shirt and it revealed your blue bikini. *Picture.* "(Y/n)-chan, you look cute!" Honey exclaimed.

~Time skip brought to you by the Thrown Centipede~

"Hey, Haruhi!" You swam up to her, seeing her collecting things from the water and putting it in a red bucket. "Oh, hey (Y/n)" She replied. You walked next to her as she continued to collect things. You could tell she seemed ticked off. "Rough day?" You ask. She nodded. "The others are trying to figure out my fear." You tilted your head. "What? Why?" She rolled her eyes. "Kyoya has some pictures of me with my hair longer." You giggled. Yep that sounded like the Host Club.

"Hey, Haruhi, look!" A vocie called. You and Haruhi both looked up to see three girls on the cliff. "Hey, be careful!" You and Haruhi said in unison. They looked at the sun set and sighed.

You understood why they went up there. You imagined what the sun set would look like. That must be a beautiful sight.

"Hey, we should see the sun set too." You suggested to Haruhi. She thought for a moment and sighed. "I suppose it would be beautiful." She smiled. "And peaceful." You added with a giggle.

You and Haruhi both made your way up the cliff, talking. But you both stop once a beer can is thrown at your feet. Beer? You didn't remember any of the girls drinking beer. You and Haruhi looked up to see three men. One had two girls held tightly while the other two stood in front of the last girl.

"Just leave us alone!" The girl yelled at him. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off as Haruhi threw the bucket at him. The guy turned to her. "Leave them alone!" Haruhi said sternly. "The hell? You think your a tough boy?" The guy asked, barking a laugh.

You looked over at Haruhi. She was brave. You stood straighter beside her. If there is going to be a fight you were going to fight with your friend. No way were you going to let these pricks hurt your friend.

The guy grabbed Haruhi by the collar. Haruhi stared at the boy with narrowed eyes. "Guess I'm going to teach you a lesson, huh?" He smirked. "Leave her alone." You said, stomping on the guys foot. The guy yelped in pain, he turned to you, angry.

"Having your girl friend help you? Pathetic." He looked you up and down. "She's pretty hot though." He said, smirking. "Its pretty pathetic that you think its okay to be on a private beach and harass a couple of girls." You said, crossing your arms.

No one paid attention to your 'missed used' pronouns. He smiled and threw Haruhi to the other guy. "Guess I can teach this one a lesson first." You turned to the girl as the guy grabbed your waist. "GET HELP!"

~3rd person pov~

The girl ran as if her life depended on it, thats when the guy held (Y/n) over the cliff. "Too bad you were cocky. I really need a girl friend." He smirked. (Y/n) shivered with fear. (Y/n) looked over to see the girl was close to the rest of the Host already. "No wonder you dont have one! You're a terrible person." (Y/n) has said.

"TAMAKI!" The girl shrieked. The twins and Tamaki turned towards her. "Its Haruhi and (Y/n)!" Their eyes widened. 

The guy dropped (Y/n) off the cliff and into the crystal blue water."(Y/n)!" Haruhi yelled for her friend. Haruhi struggled to break free from the guys hold but his grip tightened on her skinny arms. "Little bitch shouldn't have tried to help you." The guy replied, turning to her.

"There were these three men. . .Haruhi and (Y/n) saved us. . . They might fight Haruhi and who knows what those perverts will do to (Y/n)!" The girl exclaimed, still panting.

The Host Club ran towards the cliff with full speed. The other guy grabbed Haruhi by the collar. He pulled her to the edge. "Time to join your girl friend." He smirked. While the Host Club ran, while Haruhi dangled from the edge, a (H/c) haired girl was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Trying to fight, trying to breath, but was only met with darkness.

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