Kaoru, Kaoru

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"I shouldn't tell you this but, Kaoru likes you, a lot more then you think."

!Lets continue shall we!

~Kaoru's pov~

I know I'm making a mistake ignoring (Y/n). But I cant help it. Every time I look at her I remember that day she sung that song with Aaron. It makes me feel sad, upset, mad.


Every time I think of (Y/n) my heart pounds in my chest an I get butterflies in my stomach. But then I remember Aaron and my stomach drops, the butterflies dying. I dont want her with him! I want her by my side, singing to or with me!

I know I like her. She's just so beautiful, kind, sweet, adorable, funny, outgoing, social, trustworthy, loyal, respectful, caring. I could continue the list forever. I want her. I NEED her.

But right now (Y/n) probably hates me. I've been a jerk. Ignoring her was probably the worse thing I could do. I didn't mean to ignore her though. When I saw her smile at me an call my name I thought about her an Aaron. It makes me upset, that I had to walk away from her.

Its not like I enjoy ignoring her. I hate it. I hate it more then the thing I hate most. An the thing I hate most is losing (Y/n).

I sighed. Hikaru was right. If I dont stop ignoring her then I might lose her. I closed my eyes, remembering that conversion me an my brother had a little while ago.

~Flash back~

"Why are you ignoring her?" Hikaru asked as we opened the front door of our mansion. I sighed. "I-I dont know."

Hikaru huffed an closed the door behind him. "I think you do, an I think it has something to do with your liking her." I was silent, which caused Hikaru to grab my wrist. "Listen, if its because of Aaron thats another reason you shouldn't ignore her. You cant let him take her away."

I sighed an looked at the ground, I looked back up. "Whats the first reason?"

"The first reason you shouldn't ignore her, is because its obviously hurting her and you." Hikaru stated. I stared at my brother. He was right. But, "You dont know that."

Hikaru narrowed his eyes. Our phones then dinged an we took them out of our pockets.

Kyoya: I am worried about (Y/n)

King(Tamaki): What do you mean? What happened to my angel?

Kyoya: She wont eat nor come out of her room

Haruhi: Did something happen?

Kyoya: She wont talk to me, she told me to go away. I asked Aaron an he said she has been ignoring him.

Hikaru: I'll check on her, I think I know whats wrong

I looked up at Hikaru as he had texted that. "I do know. I told you, it was hurting her as well." Before I could say anything herleft

~End of Flashback~

I sighed. "I need to make it up to her then."

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