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"I'll hang out with them too." (Y/n) stated with a soft smile.

!Lets continue shall we!

~Your pov~

The smell of hot dogs, funnel cake, and french fries filled the air. Honey's eyes sparkled and you set him on the ground. "Takashi, can we get cotton candy?!" Honey asked, running over to the said person. Mori nodded and walked away, with Honey on his shoulder's. "Kyoya, you should go with them." You said.

Kyoya titled his head and looked over at you. "And why do you suggest that?" You walked over to him and whispered something in his ear. He looked at you with a raised eye brow then shrugged.

"We'll call if we need anything." Kyoya waved as he followed Mori and Honey. You returned to your spot beside the twins. "Bye, Kyo!!" You waved. That just left you, the twins, Tamaki, and Haruhi.

"So, what ride do you guys want to get on?" Haruhi asked. You giggled. "Actually, we're going to go. You two have fun!" You grabbed one of the twins hands. "What do you mean?" Tamaki asked, titling his head.

You smiled and ran away, dragging the twins with you. "(Y/n)?!" You heard Tamaki yell, but you ignored him. You continue to run, still holding the twins hands. "(Y-Y/n)?" Kaoru asked. "W-Where are we going?"

You weren't completely sure. You just wanted to leave Tamaki and Haruhi alone. You could see how Tamaki looked at Haruhi, so you knew he liked her. And Honey and Mori leaving was the perfect timing to let them have their alone time.

You stopped running, panting a little. You let the twin's hands go and put your hands on your knees, smiling. "Which ride do you guys want to go on?"

"Lets try that one!" Hikaru said, pointing to the Pendulum Ride. "I love that ride!" You stated, your eyes lighting up. You turn towards the ride, not noticing the blush that tinted Kaoru and Hikaru's cheeks.

You laughed as you ran over to the line. You loved carnivals. You haven't been to one since you were young. Maybe six or seven. You loved the smell of the air and funnel cakes. You loved the mini games and winning prizes. You loved the feeling in your stomach when you were on a ride. You loved the bright colors and lights.

Kaoru and Hikaru chuckled at how excited you were and joined you in line. You were surprised the line wasnt long, you knew that this was a popular ride.

You soon were locked into a seat by the guy who was controlling the ride. Kaoru was on you left and Hikaru was on your right. You were bouncing up and down, excited.

"Wow, (Y/n), your like Honey when someone mentions sweets." Kaoru stated, laughing. You blushed. "Sorry, I just love the carnival." You smiled. Hikaru laughed. "Kaoru's probably going to scream like a little girl."

Kaoru blushed, embarrassed. "Shut up! No, I'm not, you are!" You giggled as the ride started. The wheel spin's as you swing back and forth. You let you arms fly upwards, laughing happy. You looked over to see Kaoru staring at you. He blushed and looked away, causing you to smile softly. You then looked over at Hikaru who was looking at the ground. He looked up and met your eyes, you smiled as he grinned.

"That was so fun!" You said as you skipped off the ride. "What do you want to do next (Y/n)?" The twins ask in unison. You thought for a moment, looking around. Your eyes stopped on a tent that was pink, blue, and yellow.

"Oh~! Lets get our faces painted!" You said said, jumping up and down as you made your way over to the tent.

You sat in a empty seat, looking over to see the twins already in seats. "What would you like?" The lady asked. You thought for a moment. "Oh! Can you do (Your Choice)"

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Kaoru called. You turned around to see the twins. They both stopped and stared at paint on your cheeks, you smiled. "Aw, you guys look so adorable!" You said. They both had the tip of their noses painted black, black lines on their cheeks for whiskers. They blushed.

"So do you (Y/n)." Kaoru said. You smiled, blushing a bit. "Thank you!"

~Many hours later~

"That was fun!" You said, grabbing a chunk of cotton candy and putting it in your mouth. The sun was starting to set and you and the twins were walking around. You got on all the rides, riding some of them twice. The twins played a mini game, both of them winning. Hikaru won a purple ailen thing while Kaoru won a pastel yellow cat.

"Yeah, it was." Kaoru said, smiling. Hikaru looked down at his phone. "Kyoya said that he'll meet everyone at the bumper cars." Hikaru smiled sadly. "Guess that means everyone's ready to go."

"Dont be so sad, Hikaru, we can go to another carnival thats happening in the future." You stated as you and the twins made your way to the bummer cars. Hikaru just nodded. "Do you want our number (Y/n)?" Kaoru asked. You turned to him. "Your number? Of course!" You grabbed your phone from your jean pocket and gave it to him. He put in his number and handed it back to you. "Thanks Kaoru."

"Your welcome." He smiled and took out his phone. "I added you to the group chat as well." You nodded and smiled. It was silent, Kaoru rubbed the back of his neck. "Um, (Y/n)?" You turned to him. "Yeah?" He held out his stuffed cat. "You can have him, if you want."

"Are you sure Kaoru?" You asked. You didn't want to take his prize away. He won it fair and square. He nodded and you gently took it from him with your free hand. You stared at it for awhile. "Thank you, I will love him forever. I'll name him. . .Oscar." You smiled.

Kaoru smiled. "(Y/n)-chan!" "(Y/n)!" "Hey guys." Honey, Tamaki, and Haruhi greeted you and the twins in unison. You laughed and waved. "Its almost dark, we're leaving." Kyoya stated and everyone nodded. You frown at the thought of leaving the carnival but smiled when Tamaki said that we were going to the beach next weekend. 

"Oh, Honey-sempai." You said, looking down at the adorable boy. You glanced over when you saw Tamaki and Haruhi fighting because Haruhi didn't want to go to the beach. "Yes, (Y/n)-chan?" Honey asked. You handed him the cotton candy. "Sorry theres a chunk missing, it just looked so soft, and fluffy and yummy, I couldn't help myself." You said with a giggle.

Honey giggled as well. "I understand, (Y/n)-chan.

You smiled as all of you walked out of the carnival. Kyoya had called the limo driver since you were all tired of walking around all day. You smiled. You had a lot of fun with the twins.

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