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((I accidentally published the last chapter, there was going to be more but I didn't want to copy and paste everything then delete that chapter so yeah. Also the Beach is the only chapters that are going to be from the actual anime. The future events arent going to be from the anime.))

"G-Guys?" My voice croaked.

!Lets continue shall we!

Kaoru and Hikaru looked up at you. Their faces were filled with worry and relief. "(Y/n)!" Kaoru exclaimed. "W-What?" You asked. You cringed. Your voice sounded like a dying law mower. Kaoru grabbed your hand, causing you to blush. "How are you feeling?"

You tried to sit up but winced. "Sore and m-my throat hurts." You replied. You looked around you and realized you were in a hospital bed. "W-What happened?"

"What do you mean?" The twins both asked in unison. Your eyes returned to them. "W-Why are we in the hospital?" Kaoru rubbed the back of his neck, Hikaru narrowed his eyes. "You dont remember? You were dropped off the cliff and into the water."

Your eyes widened. You remembered now. That guy dropped you into the water. You must've been drowning, thats why your throat hurts. Your mind went to your friend, that was also there. "What about Haruhi? How is she?"

"She's fine. He dropped her when we got there. Boss dived after her." Kaoru explained. You nodded and stared at your hands. "How long was I here for?" Hikaru shrugged. "A few days." You nodded and it was silent. "What're you guys doing here?"

Hikaru smirked. "My brother cant leave you for a second. He comes here after school to check on you because he loves you~" You and Kaoru both blushed. "N-No, I do not! Shut up!" You giggled. Kaoru huffed and turned to you.

"(Y/n), we're sorry."

"Huh?" You looked up at Kaoru. He looked down. "We didn't know that you had got dropped in the water. You were drowning while we were worried about Haruhi. If we would've saved you sooner you wouldn't be here."

You laughed. Kaoru and Hikaru looked up at you, confused. "Why're you laughing? You almost drowned." Hikaru said, shocked.

You smiled. "Yes, but you shouldn't be apologizing for worrying about Haruhi. I understand, sides how would you know if I got dropped in or not. I was probably drowning before you got at the cliff."

"I dont understand how you can smile all the time, (Y/n)." Hikaru said truthfully. You smiled and shrugged. "I guess I like smiling."

Kaoru and Hikaru smiled as well when a doctor came in. "How are you?" He asks. He held onto a clip board and a paper cup. "Good." You replied. The doctor nodded and looked down at his clip board. "You've been out for a few days. Your throat hurts?" He looked up at you as you nodded. He walked over to a sink and filled the cup with water.

He walked over to the side of your bed an held out the cup. You took it and started drinking the water. "You should be able to go home today. Your parents have been informed about it. I'll call them to tell them you're awake." You nodded.

~A few hours later~

"(Y/n)-chan!""(Y/n)!!" You and the twins jumped as the door flew open. You looked over to see the rest of the Host Club. You smiled and waved. "(Y/n)-chan! I was so worried!" Honey exclaimed, running over and hugging you tightly. You giggled and patted the blond's head. "I'm fine, Honey."

"(Y/n)!! My little angel, dont worry, Daddy's here!" Tamaki said, running over and hugging you from the side. Honey and Tamaki rubbed their cheeks against you. You giggled. "I'm fine, guys."

"Thank goodness, you worried us for a second." You looked away from Honey and up to see Kyoya smiling. You smiled back.

"Haruhi! I'm happy to see you're alright!" You said, turning to the said girl. She sighed and smiled. "I'm more glad to see you're alright. You were really strong." You shook your head, laughing. "You're the one who started to stand up to them. I wasnt going to let you fight alone." You stated.

"Speaking of fighting, why didn't you get us? Why did you try to do anything without us? Three men against you two, of course one of you would get hurt. You should've got us!" Tamaki said, staring at you.

"I was staying by Haruhi. If I left Haruhi alone she might've gotten hurt worse." You reasoned. Tamaki frowned. "Fine, but next time you come get us!"

You nodded. "Yes, dad." Tamaki hugged you. "You're so adorable!" You giggled but then stopped. "What happened to them?"

"The three are getting lawers, they were convicted of harassment and attempt murder." Kyoya said pushing up his glasses. Everyone was silent. "Well, can we go now. I cant stand being here anymore." You smiled as the others nodded. 

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