[BOUNS] Wedding day

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You had your arm wrapped around your fathers as your long white wedding dress dragged on the ground behind you. You held your bouquet of flowers with your other hand and stared ahead.

You wore little make up, you never really liked make up nor did you like over doing it. You felt all eyes on you and you hoped you didn't trip. You weren't that use walking in heels. Your breath hitched and you smiled softly at Karou.

He was on the urge of tear and he smiled back right at you. The only thought that went through his and your mind right now was; This was it. This was the day that'll allow you to be with each other forever. The day others will know that you're each others.

You stepped up on the stage, handing your bouquet to Haruhi-who was a brides maid. You and Karou gently held hands. You stared down at his, smiling softly then stared back up at him.

You were wearing black skinny jeans and a lavender crop top. You had your hair down as you waited for Karou. He had called and told you to get ready, that there was something that he wanted to show you, of course, you paid no mind to it. In  fact, you were excited to be spending time with him again. Ever since school ended you were so busy with college that you hadnt really had the time to have gatherings with the others. When you an Karou had the chance you two got together, you always wanted to spend time with him.

You were sitting on your couch in your small house. It was two floors. With one bed room an bath room upstairs. Down stairs there was a small kitchen and dining room. You turned the basement into a living room with a washer and dryer. You stared out the window and quickly walked outside when a car pulled up. You locked your door, running to the passenger side and swinging the door open, "Hey, love!!" You chirped happily, swinging the door open and getting inside quickly.

Karou only chuckled, placing his hand on your thigh with a soft smile. "Hey.." He whispered. You smiled to him, kissing his head and putting on your seat belt. As Karou drove down the road you stared out the window. "So where are we going?" You whispered.

"Its a surprise," Karou smiled continuing to drive. You only nodded, staring out the window and letting your mind wonder.

A few more minutes and you soon were rolled up to a hill. You tilted your head some, it was the same hill where you and Karou had that picnic back in high school. "Hm.." You mumbled, unbuckling yourself as Karou opened the door for you, having already gotten out.

"Dear beloved we're gathered here today," The priest began. 

"Close your eyes," Karou smiled. You only giggled, "Why?" Though you did so and he started to gently guide you up the hill. Though there was something shaking on your arm and thats when you realized it was Karou. You frowned, was he cold...scared?

There was a bit of rustling and you could sense movement. until a few moments later Karou said slowly; "Okay open them.."

After a few moments the priest smiled, "I will love and honor you all the days of my life," He placed his hands on top of theirs, turning to Karou, "do you take (Y/n) (L/n) as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?"

"I do," Karou replied, smiling softly. The priest turned to you.

You slowly opened your eyes and looked around, seeing that there was fairy lights on teh tree behind Karou. You then saw that Karou was on the ground and you looked down at him, gasping when you saw that he was on one knee, holding a velvet box with a large diamond ring in it.

"Do you take Karou Hitachiin as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you apart?" He repeated.
"(Y/n) (L/n)..." Karou whispered, staring down at the ground. You had your hands over your mouth, trying not to cry. "From the day you walked into the Host Club, from the day Kyoya mentioned your name I knew that you were different. I knew that I would love you, I knew that you'd be someone who would change my life. And..you have done all of those things." Karou's breath hitched. "When ever I'm around you, I can be me. I'm not a Host, I'm not a twin, I'm not a ginger. I'm just me." Karou finally looked up at you. "I want to be the one to always hold you when you're cold. I want to be the one to kiss away your tears when you're sad.I want to be the one you love. I want to be the one by your side. I want to have a family with you and only you. So, (Y/n), will you do me the honor's and marry me?" He whispered, smiling hopefully.

"I do," You smiled happily, tears threatening to pour out of your (E/c) eyes.
"YES!!" You yelled, tackling him into a tight hug, peppering his face in kisses an laughing happily.


Aw, I loved writing this! :D

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