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I just thought this song fight perfectly with this fanfic, so of course you had to sing it! ^w^

"Its okay." Kaoru cooed. "I'm here for you."

!Lets continue shall we!

~The Next Day~

"(Y/n)." You were gently shaken. You groaned and gripped the pillow tighter. "(Y-Y/n)." Your eyes fluttered open when you realized someone was calling your name. "(Y/n)." A hand set on your head and you jumped. You looked up to see Kaoru. He was blushing and thats when you realized you were laying on him. What you thought was the pillow wasnt, it was Kaoru.

You blushed. "W-What are you doing in my room." Kaoru smiled and kissed your forehead. "Remember yesterday." Your blushed turned to a deeper shade of pink. You then recalled yesterday, you and Kaoru talking. You must've fallen asleep.

"We have school, you should get dressed." He said, he stood up and walked out the door. You stared as he left, now, blushing a deep red. You smiled and cuddled Oscar.

~After getting dressed~

You came down stairs to see the others already dressed. They had their back packs on. "(Y/n)-chan! Where were you?" Honey asked, running up to you and hugging you. You giggled. "I went up to bed."

"Isn't where Kaoru came from? Upstairs?" Kyoya asked, pushing up his glasses. You and Kaoru looked at each other and blushed. "YOU SHADY TWIN! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY LITTLE GIRL?! YOU PERVERT!" Tamaki yelled. You even saw Kyoya glare at Kaoru.

"Wow," Hikaru said to Kaoru.

"Tamaki, calm down!" You said, giggling. "It wasnt like that. We were just talking and we ended up falling asleep." Kaoru nodded. "Thats all what happened, boss."

"If you say so." Tamaki said, glaring at him.

~At Ouran~

You, Haruhi, and the twins walked to class. You talked with Haruhi as the twins walked behind you both. You all walk into class, everyone staring at you and the others.

"Alright, everyone, sit down." The teacher said. You, Haruhi, and the twins sat in their seats. "We have a project. You're getting a piece of paper, with a paragraph on it. You must box certain words or sentences in the paragraph. You're only allowed three boxes, they must be small. You will draw a picture on the paragraph to match the boxed words or sentences." The teacher handed out one sheet of paper to everyone. "I will allow you to work on it now."

Everyone started getting up and sitting with their friends. You were about to look over to the twins or Haruhi but someone was in the seat next to you. 

"So, (Y/n), what do you think you're going to draw?" Kaoru asked. He looked over at your paragraph. You shrugged. "It mentions moonlight, I might do the moon. You?"

"I didn't read mine yet." Kaoru admitted. You giggled and rolled your eyes. It was silent for a while, you looked down at the table and smiled.

"Kaoru, I just wanted to say thank you. I'm really happy you said those things yesterday. I'm grateful that you listened. I'm really lucky to have a friend like you." You said. You could feel Kaoru's eyes on you which caused you to look up at him. He smiled and shrugged. "I meant it. I'll always be here for you, (Y/n). You can tell me anything."

You smiled and hugged him tightly.

~Time Skip~

You were outside in the gardens, laying on the grass. It was soft. You were throwing a apple you had packed for lunch up then catching it. You had your head phones in, listening to music.

~Kaoru's pov~

The Host Club and I were walking out in the garden. We were going to play all sorts of different games.

"Is that (Y/n)-chan?" Honey asked. He pointed to someone laying on the grass, throwing a apple up and catching it. "I think it is." Haruhi said.

My heart did a flip as I saw her. I smiled. 

"Hey!" I shouted. "(Y/-)" my shout was cut off by Kyoya covering my mouth with his hand. 

"Mommy? What are you doing?" Tamaki asked him. "If all you stay quiet you might have the possibility of hearing (Y/n) sing." Kyoya uncovered my mouth and I looked at him.

Hearing her sing? Her voice alone is like a angel, thinking about her singing made me smile. She probably sounded like a goddess. You looks like a goddess, thats for sure. My heart thumped as I remembered her smiling face and her laughter.

Everyone nodded. "So (Y/n) must be pretty good at singing, huh?" Haruhi asked, as we walked over to (Y/n). Kyoya nodded and pushed up his glasses. "I heard her since once, that was about a year ago. I was dumbfounded. Once she knew I was listening she stopped singing. She stops automatically if she even spots someone."

"Then lets be quiet so we can hear." I smile.

(I'm going to put the song here so you dont have to scroll up to the top to play it. Its also going to be playing in the middle of the song since you hummed the first part, the part starts at 1:24 if you want to listen while reading. I highly suggest doing that because it makes it 10x's better. But its your choice. Hiakru: You going to let them read now? Me: >:()

~Your pov~

The hummed part of the next song. It was Stand By You by Rachel Platten. When it turned on your mind went to Kaoru instantly. You couldn't help but smile. You sang the song and continued to throw the apple and catching it.

 "Yeah, you're all I never knew I needed." 

"And the heart, sometimes its clear why its beating." 

"And love, if your wings are broken, we can brave through those emotions too." 

"Cause I'm going to stand by you."

He is going to be there. He he wont be like your parents. He'll be someone you can trust. You knew it. Because you knew what type of person Kaoru was.

"Oh, truth, I guess truth is what you believe in." 

"And faith, I think faith is helping to reason." 

"No, no, no, love, if your wings are broken." 

"Borrow mine so yours can open too."  

"Cause I'm going to stand by you."

"Even if we're breaking dow-"

You caught the apple and your eyes widened when you saw two faces looking down at you. You screamed and punched the left person. You jumped up, pausing the song. You then looked over to see the twins on the ground. Hikaru was laughing as Kaoru rubbed his chin. "Ow, (Y/n)."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Kaoru!" You got on your knees and grabbed his hands. "I'm so sorry, I was startled. I'm sorry." You kept apologizing. "Its okay, (Y/n)." He said, blushing. You looked at his chin to see it was red. 
"YOU SHADY TWINS! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!!!" You heard Tamaki yell. You turned to the rest of the Host Club. Kyoa was smiling, Tamaki had a angered look, which was from the twins, Haruhi and Mori looked shocked while Honey ran over to you and hugged you.

"(Y/n)-chan, you're amazing at singing!" Honey said. Your eyes widened and you blushed. "YOU HEARD ME ALL SING?!" Everyone nodded. You then felt arms wrap around you waist. You looked over to see it was the twins.

"You're really-" Hikaru started.

"good at singing." Kaoru finished.

You blushed, embarrassed. "T-Thanks" You looked over at Kaoru and smiled. He smiled back, which made you feel less embarrassed.

I'm Here For You (Kaoru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now