Class and Customers

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"Make sure you dont slip on any of the steps!" I say to her. I heard her laugh as I saw her disappear up the steps.

!Lets continue shall we!

~At Kyoya's house~

"Please take Miss. (L/n)'s things up stairs in the guest room." Kyoya said to the maid. The maid nodded and bowed. She grabbed my suit case and uniform, climbing up the steps of the Ootori's mansion.

You turned to Kyoya. "So, how have you been?" He pushed up his glasses. "Fine." We were both silent for a moment. He cleared his throat. "Why dont we drink some tea while we chat?"

And thats what we did. We sat on the Ootori's couch and drank tea, talking about what happened over the past 6 months.

"I'm happy to be talking to you again, Kyoya." You said. He smiled. "Me too, (Y/n)." You took a sip of your tea. "I was always wondering why we weren't talking. I thought I did something wrong." Kyoya shook his head. "We were just caught up in our lives, I guess."

You nodded and it got silent. You gave your tea to a maid that was nearby. "I suppose I should go unpack." Kyoya nodded. "Of course, Lilma please help Miss. (L/n)-" You shook your head. "Its fine, Kyo. I rather do it myself, anyways." Kyoya nodded and you made your way up stairs.

You opened the guest bed room's door and closed it behind you. You sighed as you fell on your bed. You were alone again.

 You were alone again

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~The Next Day~

"Miss. (L/n)." Someone shook you. "Huh?!" You asked, your eyes fluttering open. "It is time for school." The maid said. You nodded, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. The maid held out your uniform, which was folded neatly.

"Thank you." You say as you take them from her. The maid bowed and left after saying 'please call me if you need anything'. You only nodded and got dressed in your uniform. You brushed through your (h/c) hair and let it stay down.

You smiled as you made your way down stairs, smelling pancakes. You went to the kitchen to see Kyoya eating. "Good morning, Kyo!" You said. He nodded to you. "Miss. (Y/n), do you want some pancakes? They're chocolate chip." The maid cooking asked. You gasped. "Those are my favorite! Of course!"

~At Ouran~

As you walked down the hall, with Kyoya by your side, other students glanced or glared at you. But you ignored them and smiled.

Kyoya stopped in front of a class room. "This is your class. I'll see you at lunch or at the end of today." You waved good bye as he walked away, him waving back.

You walked into the class room, automatically looking around to see if you knew anyone. You spotted Kaoru, Hikaru, an Haruhi, and sighed in relief. "Ah, you must be the new student, (Y/n)." The teacher said. The whole class stared at you and you ignored them. "Yep! I hope we can all be friends!" You smiled.

The teacher nodded. "You may sit beside Kaoru Hitachiin, please rai-"Thats okay." You interrupted. You blushed as the teacher stared at you, you knew you shouldn't have interrupted him talking. "I-I know who he is." You walked past the other students and sat in the only empty seat in the class room, beside Kaoru.

"Hey, Kaoru." You smiled at him. Kaoru looked over at you. "Oh, h-hey (Y/n)."  He smiled back. You looked at him, surprised. He seemed to notice how surprised you were. "What?" He asked. "Oh, nothing, I just didn't except you to remember my name." You told him honestly.

Kaoru's eyes widened. "Why would you except that?!" You shrugged. "Of course I would remember your name, who would forget the name of the girl who fell on top of them?" He grinned and you giggled.

"(Y/n) and Kaoru is there something funny you'll like to tell the class?" The teacher asked with a huff. "N-No, sir." Kaoru said. "It was my fault sir, I was saying hello." You told the teacher. "I suppose that is alright, but next time do it outside class."

"Yes, sir." You said with a smile.

~At the Club~

"You're so pretty , (Y/n)." One guy said beside me, blushing. "She's not just pretty, you idiot, she's beautiful." The other one gushed. You smiled brightly, causing the boys crowded around you to blush.

"Aw, you all are so sweet!" You said, honestly. Everyone grinned, then started glaring at each other. 

"So, (Y/n) whats your hobbies?" Some one asked, grabbing your arm. You turn to him. "Oh, its-""No, what is your favorite color?" Another asked, grabbing your other arm. You turned to him. "Its (F/c-" "No." The first one said sternly. You turned back to him. "What's your favorite food." He asked, tugging on your arm. "Its (F/f-" "No! What is your flower?" The second one asked. You turned to him as he tugged on you arm. "F/-""Dont answer him, whats your favorite place to go to?" The first one asked, tugging on your arm more forcefully, pulling you to him. "Pfft, dont listen to him (Y/n), whats your hobbies?" He tugged you to him.

"I already asked that! Dip shit!" The first one yelled. On no. . .

~Kaoru's pov~

"I already asked that! Dip shit!" I turned around to see the other host members looking in (Y/n)'s direction. I saw two guys holding on to her arms. She had a nervous smile on her face. "Dont you dare call me a dip shit, ass hat!"

I frowned, not liking them. They shouldn't be a hold of (Y/n) like that. It made my heart ache seeing them have (Y/n)'s arms. Both of them both stood up, knocking the table and spilling the cup of hot tea (Y/n) had on to her lap.

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