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I sighed. "I need to make it up to her then."

!Lets continue shall we!

~Your pov~

Kaoru. . .likes you?!

You had to progress what Hikaru had said a bit. Kaoru, the one you have a crush one, likes you back?!?!

Your heart thumped a bit. You blushed. Kaoru. . .

Hikaru's phone rang which caused you to look up at him. He quickly answered it, letting out 'yeah's'. He then smiled an hung up.

"Come on, get dressed we're going somewhere." He said, walking out of your room an closing the door behind him. "An wear a cute dress!" He yelled.

You tilted your head a bit but then shrugged. Your blush still tinted your cheeks but you casually ignored it.

You looked through your closet an found a cute lavender dress. You didn't know where you an Hikaru were going so you didn't want to wear a fancy dress.

 You didn't know where you an Hikaru were going so you didn't want to wear a fancy dress

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You quickly put on sliver flats an brushed through your hair. You looked in the mirror an noticed how red your eyes were. You shrugged it off, since Hikaru already knew you were crying an you still didn't know where you two were going. It was probably just going to be you an him.

Wait, is he taking you on a date? You shook your head an walked out of your room but paused. You looked behind your shoulder at Oscar, who was laying on your bed, an smiled a bit. You then closed your door.

~Time skip, you're in a limo~

"So where are we going?" You asked, looking out the window. You were trying to see if you recognized the area, but sadly you did not.

"Some where." Hikaru answered, smiling and scrolling through his phone. You huffed and cross your arms. He looked up at you and grinned before looking back down at his phone.

Moments passed before the limo stopped. "We're here." Hikaru said, smiling. You looked out the window and saw that you were parked at the bottom of a hill.

You got out of the car and shut the door, you looked to see where Hikaru was but instead found his smiling face at the window.

"What are you doing?" You asked. He smiled and waved bye as the limo drove off. "WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You yelled as you watched the limo You huffed angrily. "Wow, some friend you are!!!!" You yelled, hoping he'll hear you. But you knew he didn't because the limo was now a black speck getting farther and farther away.

You clenched your fists and sighed. "Great." You knew you forgot your phone back home, you thought you wouldn't need it. Now you could tell how foolish that choice was.

You started to climb the hill, trying to see if anyone was up there that could help you. You gasped as you reached the top, surprised at the sight.

 You gasped as you reached the top, surprised at the sight

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But that wasnt the only thing that made you gasp. There sat Kaoru, with a blanket and a basket.

"K-Kaoru?" You asked, tilting your head and making your way to him. You smiled softly and blushed a bit, having seen him and remembering what Hikaru said earlier.

He turned to you, blush tinting his cheeks. "Uh, hey (Y/n), wanna eat with me?" He asked, referring to the basket. You smiled at hearing his voice. "Of course." You nodded and sat on your knees across from him.

He started to bring the food out on the blanket, both of you were silent. He had brought strawberry's, sandwich's, and cheese cake. He gave you a sandwich.

"Thank you." You said, taking it and unwrapping it. You bit into it and your eyes widened. "This is so good!!" You gushed, taking another bite. Kaoru smiled. "You like it? I made it." He said proudly. You giggled, and swallowed.

He grinned and looked at his sandwich as he unwrapped it. "I-I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, (Y/n), I didn't mean to, it was just by accident." You tilted your head. "You ignored me, by accident?"

Kaoru ran a hand through his hair. "I know it sounds like I'm lying, or making a stuipd excuse but," He sighed, "please, just forgive me." He looked into your eyes, they looked like they were pleading for forgiveness, which you knew they were.

You smiled and giggled a bit. "Of course I will." You said, finishing your sandwich. You and Kaoru talked for a bit, you giggled and Kaoru laughed.  "Want a strawberry?" He asked. You nodded an he held one up. You smiled as you bit it. You an him continued to talk, as he fed you strawberry's. You helped him clean up, an once you were finished you got on the swing.

Kaoru pushed you and you awed at the ocean. "Hey, (Y/n), can I ask you a question?" He asked. You nodded. "Of course, Kaoru." You smiled. "Well, I know its non of my business but I was just wondering if you liked Aaron, more then a friend."

You thought for a moment, before laughing. "Oh, no, Aaron is nothing more then a friend." You shrugged off the sigh of relief you heard from behind you.

You saw that the sun was going down. "Hey, Kaoru, how are we going to get home?" You asked, looking behind your shoulder at him. He smiled. "I have my phone."

You nodded an got off the swing, Kaoru sat on the tree and you sat beside him. "I noticed your eyes were red." Kaoru said, breaking the long silence. "You've been crying?"

"It doesn't really matter." You shrugged, pulling at some grass. It was silent but you then felt warm arms wrap around you. You smiled. "Thank you, Kaoru, this is the best day ever." You smiled. He chuckled. "It was only better because you were here with me."

I'm Here For You (Kaoru x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now