Camping (Part 2)

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"Of course," You smiled and followed him out the door.

~Lets continue shall we~

You took off your pants as you had shorts underneath. You crouched in the water as Honey ran around, collecting any type of rocks he could find. Big, small, colored, plain, etc. You watched him with a smile. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes.

The sunlight was still bright even when you had you eyes closed. But you didn't mind as your mind wandered. You were at peace.

Suddenly you felt something on your leg. You frowned and opened your eyes, looking down to see a dry leaf. You lifted it to remove it and went back to resting.

A few moments later you got pulled out of your zone when Honey had called for you. You opened your eyes to see Mori with Honey. "(Y/N)-chan! Lunch is done~!" Honey cheered. You nodded and smiled, standing up as Honey's and Mori's eyes had widened.

You blinked as their gazes seemed to be on your legs and arms. You looked and screamed in utter horror as leaches were sucking the blood from you like little vampires. Your screamed seemed to echo across the forest, catching the attention of animal's and a certain somebody that was passing by.

The Host Club came out quickly, having heard the scream. But they were too late to know what had happened because you began to run. You didn't know where you were going. You didn't know how you were going to get these leaches off you. All you knew was that you hated the wild now.

Never are you going in a forest AGAIN.

You continued to run as sticks and weeds scratched at your arms, face, and legs. You closed your eyes, tears streaming down your face as you knew you were lost. You suddenly tripped and fell to the ground with a painful groan.

You pushed yourself up a bit with your palms, as your chin was bleeding and your face was dirty. You looked down at the pain in your legs, seeing your knees were also bleeding and covered in dirt. You continues to cry as you couldn't move.

Rain poured down on you hard and you laid your head on the ground, closing your eyes tightly as you soon were met with unconsciousness

-Third person POV~

"What happened?!?!!" Aaron asked, shocked as he watched his best friend run away. "T-the vampire bugs w-were on her..." Honey whimpered and looked down.

"Vampire bugs?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked. Both were worried for (Y/n) as they knew the forest wasnt somewhere a scared girl should be running.

"Leach's.." Kyoya said, frowning and pushing up his glasses. "I suppose its common to have them in this area..." He mumbled.

"What are we doing standing around?! We still have hours to find her!" Haruhi said, as she began to walk. She didnt care if the others were going to help or not. (Y/n) was her friend and she was going to find her.

-Several hours later-

There was still no luck of finding (Y/n) and the worse part was that it had started to rain. Heavily. That caused the Host Club member's to rush inside, wet with rain.

"...I'll call the camp's troopers.." Kyoya said, getting out his flip phone.

Everyone was silent as they sat in front of the fire place. Kaoru's heart was pounding as he felt sick. He was worried about (Y/n). What had happened to her? When was she coming back? Was she coming back? What if she died? Oh gosh. Kaoru took deep breaths and clenched his fists. No. She's stronger. She can do this..

As the Host Club agreed to look tomorrow a figure stood over (Y/n)'s sleeping body. As they slowly dragged her away by the wrists.

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