Meeting The Host Club!

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"Sir, yes, sir!" The club saluted. Like on que, someone knocked on the door.

!Lets continue shall we!

Everyone got in their spots, with Tamaki sitting on a throne. The door then opened automatically. "Hello welcome to-" Tamaki said but he froze, speechless. The other members were also speechless. All their eyes widened. You were so beautiful, like a angel. Your hair was (h/c) and (wavy, straight, curly). Your (E/c) eyes matched your (S/c) perfectly. The Host Club could see green roses behind you, shimmering and sparkling. You looked at them and smiled, thats when they all knew you would be a great host.

Moments passed. "Wow." Haruhi said.

 ~Your pov~ 

The blond boy on the throne cleared his throat. "Welcome, to the Host Club! I'm guessing you're the friend of Mo-I mean, Kyoya's."

You nod.

Thats when Kyoya walked up to you, holding a blue jacket, white shirt, a tie, and a black skirt. You assumed that it was the uniform. "You dont have to put it on now." Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses. You nod and smiled. "Its nice to see you again, Kyo." You put your suitcase on the floor and set your uniform on top.

"You too." He smiled, one of his rare smiles, you could see purple roses sparkling behind him. You gasped as you felt arms wrap around you waist. Two heads rested on both your shoulders.

"And who might you be, beautiful~" They both said at the same time. "Hey! Both of you get your hands off her! What did I say?! I told you not to make her uncomfortable!" The blond screeched. You just giggled. "I'm (Y/n), and you two?"

They both stood in front of you, now. You then saw that they were identical twins. They had amber hair and hazel eyes. The one to the left rested his elbow on the other ones shoulder.
"I'm Kaoru, and this is" The one on the left said.
"Hikaru." The other finished.
Blue and orange rose's sparkled behind them. You had to admit they both looked adorable. "Nice to meet you," You said. You felt a tug on your sweater and looked down to see a kid with a pink bunny rabbit. He had blond hair and brown eyes. Pink roses were behind him.

"I'm Mitsukuni, but call me Honey. Thats Takashi, but call him Mori." He pointed up to a tall man. Dark blue roses were behind him. He had no expression and black hair. "An this is Usa-chan" He showed you the bunny.

You looked down at Honey and your expression soften. Everyone stared at you. "You're adorable!" You exclaimed. Honey smiled.

You then were spun around and held to someones chest. It was the blond that was on the throne. White roses were sparkling behind him. He lifted you chin up, your faces were extremely close. "I am Tamaki." He cooed.

You stared into his eyes and the rest of the members watched you two. You then slowly raised your finger and.  .

booped his nose.

You giggled. "W-What?" Tamaki asked, clearly confused. He was blushing. You heard the twins laugh at Tamaki's confused expression, but there was another laugh among that. You looked over to see a boy with short brown hair and eyes.

"Oh, and who are you?" You ask. You walked away from Tamaki, he pouted. "Mommy, why is you friend so rude?!" Tamaki asked. You looked behind to see him huddled in the corner. You shrugged, and turned back to the boy.

"I'm Haruhi, nice to meet you, (Y/n) sempai." He said, red roses were behind him. "You can call me (Y/n)." You said. Haruhi nodded. "Of course. Um, since you're part of the Host Club I suppose I can tell you." She said. You tilt your head. "What?" She smiled. "I'm a girl."

You stared at her, then smiled. "Good, I'm not the only girl."

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