Camping(Part 1)

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You and him held hands, you leaning against him, and continued to look at the stars.

~Lets continue shall we~

You loved to have fun, but you didn't exactly except the news that Kyo had, nor were you keen on the idea. 

"Camping?!" The host club all asked, well except Mori, who was still silent. Kyoya nodded and pushed up his glasses. "It'd be a excellent way for us to get the chance of laying back." He explained.

You never went camping before. Of course, you hadn't done a lot of things before. You were excited but also nervous. What if there were bears? What if there was a giant storm? What if there was a serial killer?! The more you thought the more you panicked.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)-chan?" Honey asked. Soon all eyes were on you. Aaron chuckled. "Yeah, you are looking a little pale." He commented.

You gulped and soon started to flip out. "W-what if we lose our tent? Or we get lost? Or a bear comes? Or rain washes us away? Or there's a killer!"

Haruhi laid a hand on your shoulder, "Its going to be alright," She smiled.

Kyoya nodded, "I rented a cabin for three days." He added. You took a deep breath and nodded.

~Time skip :>~

You held onto Oscar and you bags as you looked up at the cabin. It looked beautiful, you had to admit.

 It looked beautiful, you had to admit

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"In we go~!" Tamaki yelled as Honey ran inside. You laughed softly and followed Honey inside. Looking around, you smiled. Yeah. You could get use to this.

There's weren't enough rooms for everyone so you had to share.

Tamaki and Haruhi had one room. Honey and Mori. Kyoya and Aaron. You and the twins. You were fine with this. You went up to your room, neatly putting your clothes away as the twins jumped on the neat bed, soon ruining the smoothness of the blankets.

You giggled and then sighed, looking out the window. It was beautiful outside. Perhaps you didnt need to be so worried.

"(Y/n)-chan!" Honey ran into your room and you looked at him, seeing Mori standing in the door way. The twins stopped jumping on the bed and looked at him. "Will you collect rocks with me, please~!" Honey asked, his eyes lighting up.

"Of course," You smiled and followed him out the door.

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