Your Date (Part 2)

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((Okay, so supposedly the dress didn't show, so I'm going to explain what it had looked like, it was yellow with white poka-dots and a black belt, and if for some reason you could see it, ignore this please -.-'))

~At the movie theater~

"Do you want popcorn?" Kaoru asked as he had a arm casually swung around your shoulders. You thought for a moment before shaking your head. "I'm good. But a bottled water would be nice." You smiled.

He nodded as he got himself a bag of M&M's and he got you a water. You both agreed to watch Onward (Awesome movie by the way). You and him went in the theater sitting in the 5th row away from the screen.

Of course, you sat in the row so you could see the whole screen but also be able to see past people's heads better. You were practically jumping in your seat happily because you wanted to see this movie so much.

Kaoru laughed lightly beside you. "You seem to be happy." He stated, smiling softly. You nodded and hugged him from the side. "I wanted to see this movie so much!" You said happily.

Kaoru hummed and kept you close as the movie started. 

((Art not mine, aha, I wish I could draw this good))You silently cried

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((Art not mine, aha, I wish I could draw this good))

You silently cried. It was adorable and you loved every moment of the movie. It was sad, entertaining, and just so magical. Kaoru chuckled at you as he watched you wipe your tears and skip out the theater.

"Kaoru, that was just so great!" You said, happy. Kaoru nodded. "It was."

~Star gazing~

You and Kaoru laid on the ground in Kaoru's back yard, looking up at the sky. You glanced at him every few seconds, sometimes he glanced back, and that made blush, for some odd reason.

"Hey, Kaoru?" You looked at him, breaking the silence. "What is it (Y/n)?" He asked, smiling at you. You sat up, smiling. "I love you."

Kaoru sat up as well, he scooted closer to you, gently placing a hand on your cheek. "I love you too," He softly kissed you and you kissed him back passionately, wrapping your arms around his neck. He held your waist.

You two soon pulled away, smiling. You and him held hands, you leaning against him, and continued to look at the stars.

((Probably the shortest chapter yet? Sorry, I have online school now and I'm rping in my free time, oof.

And if you want to see something in a upcoming chapter, please comment what the something is. But I wont be writing Reader-chan and Kaoru, uh, *cough* doing the nasty. 

I'm doing a Q & A soon as well, so please ask some question's.

Please comment!

Thanks for reading,

-Jay <3

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