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"Ugh!" I yell storming through the Corredor's. I'm just leaving Visiting my friend Hermione in the hospital wing because some dumb – ass chamber was opened and all the Muggle born students are getting petrified. Like come on! It's my second year at Hogwarts and I'm already worrying for my life. My parents are Muggles. Which means that any second now I could be petrified as well.

      As I was thinking about all this I wasn't paying attention to anything and I crashed into someone.

        "I'm sorry I wasn-" I start apologizing before being cut off.

       "Watch where you're going Mudblood!" The bleach headed boy snares at me.

       Draco Malfoy, pure blood, asshole, Slytherin prince, and douche bag.

       A good looking one.

       But still a douche bag.

       He has been bullying me since I got here. There's a long list of names he likes to call me. None good. I don't even think he knows my real name. When I was sorted into slytherin he was out raged. He said that I would ruin the pureness and pride the house has. I guess he thinks its not as much of an honor if I'm here.

       "I prefer my real name but maybe it's a bit too much for that idiot brain of yours to comprehend." I say back in annoyance. He's about to clap back when I feel someone pulled me away.

        "Y/n come on we just figured it out." My raven haired friend says dragging me towards our other friend Ron.

    "Figured out what?" I question looking at the two boys.

      " The monster in the chamber is a basilisk. And we think myrtle might know where the chamber is, let's go!" Harry says now dragging me and brought him to the bathroom. Then I looked behind me and I realize Ron is dragging professor Lockhart with us.

      We get to the bathroom and merttle explains how she died, Harry then starts to walk to the sink. As parsletounge begins to leave his lips I watch in awe as the sink starts to open. A huge tunnel going straight down now visible.

        I feel Harry pull me towards it as they push Lockhart down the tunnel. At this point I'm honestly just oblivious and scared. Once we hear that he's alive we jump down.

We get down there and land in a pile of bones.

"Eww." I gasp moving my hand of what used to be a rat.

"Lets go." Harry says as he starts to walk through a pipe tunnel, us following close behind.

We stop for a second and Lockhart tries to pull a stunt on us. He starts talking crazy about how he's a fraud and he got to where he is by using memory charms. He attempts to use Ron's wand to cast one. But due to it getting broken earlier in the year, it backfires.
It hits him and causes rocks to fall from the tunnel ceiling.

   When the rubble settles we look around. Ron and Lockhart got stuck on the other side of the rocks.

"Ron are you okay!" I yell.

"Yeah I'm okay but this guy has gone looney."

"Y/n stay with them, we can't get them out and we have to hurry."

"No I'm not leaving you! There's two of them and two of us. We need to stick together." I say sternly.

"I- okay let's go. Ron we'll be back don't worry!" He says and we start on are way.

We get to this old metal door.

"What do we do." I question.

"Let me try something." Harry says and I nod.

He starts to speak. But not words, hisses. Just like during the wizard duels. Just as I was about to say something the door starts to open.

      We walk in and see Ginny on the floor, extremely pale and almost dead. Harry runs over to her to see if she's okay. But I freeze.

      "Hello y/n." A very handsome boy with dark hair and gray eyes says to me.

      He seems to be at least a six-year and he's wearing slytherin robes. And they're old. Not in a tattered way, just, out of time.

      "Who are you?" I ask confused and kind of scared, wondering as to why he's down here with Ginny.

     "I'm Tom, Tom Riddle."  he says sticking his hand out for me to shake. So I do. I don't want to be rude.

    "TOM, Tom you have to help her she's dying!" Harry yells now looking at us.

       "I'm afraid I can't do that Harry. You see, Ginny here, she's keeping me alive." He says monotone. I look up at him.

     "Your killing her, let her go." I yell at him.

     "You, I could trade her for you. You would do nicely, Muggle born. Your family has no worth to me. I think I just might trade. At least the Weasley's have pure blood."

     Buy a snap of his fingers Ginnys skin starts to regain color and her eyelids flutter open.

     Then it happened. He pulled me towards him and put his lips to my cheek. It felt weird, not something you read in books and get butterflies about. It felt like my body was being drained of all life. Less of a kiss and more of an exchange. A few seconds later he let me go and I felt my head hit the floor. Then black.

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now