Haunted Dreams

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After all that went down I went into a dark period of depression for a few weeks. I rarely left my dorm if I didn't have to. I didn't go to hogs Meade or anything remotely fun. The golden trio were always really worried about me. They would get snuck up to my dorm by daphne and we would all hangout trying to make me feel better. It worked after a while and in the process daphne and Hermione became civil which I enjoyed. I was really only in the state I was because of the nightmares I was having. Since that class I dreamed of him.

  Him pulling my hand to him and touching my face with his lips. Tear drops echoing around a dark room, with the same floors as the chamber. Him having an evil look swirling in his eyes as he leans in, then just before he connects I fall to the floor and my head starts to pound, as my eyes flutter shut, then it all goes dark only for me to open my eyes and have it all happen again.

A repeating sequence, the same dream, over and over again every night for weeks.

I wake up with tears and sweat all over me. And I can't fall back asleep. Pansy after 3 night of it happening told Dumbledore and I got called to his office, only for him to teach me a silencing spell and a calming spell to cast over me every night before I go to bed.

Pansy being the loud mouth she is, surprisingly didn't tell anyone else. Saying to she didn't want anyone to think I was now interesting.

It's now towards the middle of the year and I'm walking up the stairs with Harry, we're just making jokes back and forth. Then we see a commotion happening by the fat lady's portrait.

"She's just gone." We hear someone say.

Then Dumbledore comes over with filch and ask him to pretty much send a search party for her. But filch being the boss ass bitch he is finds her himself after five seconds and every one moves over to were he is pointing.

The fat lady then starts to ramble but everyone is shocked to hear the the person who attacked her is Sirius black who escaped from askaban during summer.

Everything after this seamed to chill out, there was a few quidditch games and every thing was looking good for the golden trio. I am still pretty distant and my dreams haven't gotten any better but I'm trying to hand out with Hermione Harry and Ron more. They are also really cautious when it comes to ruching me in any way. When people touch me I get flashbacks. And I freak out and go into a panic attack. And they understand and are really caring. Which I'm extremely thankful for.

But then after the Gryffindors game against Ravenclaw Ron got attacked by Sirius black while he was asleep. His bed being shredded with a knife like black was looking for something.

We are all now sleeping in the great hall for a week just to be safe. I personally am begging the teachers to let me sleep in a broom closet or something so that no one else knows about my nightmares. Having pansy now is bad enough but if the trio found out they would be worried sick and everyone else would humiliate me.

Everyone had already picked a spot by the time I got done arguing with the teachers. The out come being that I would just have to use the silencing charm and hope that no one would be awake to see me.

"The last spot in the Slytherin section seams to be next to mister Malfoy over there is the corner." Dumbledore says pointing towards him with twinkling eyes and then walking away.

I shuffle over the the corner and Malfoy looks up.

"What are you do-" he starts but I cut him off saying-

"I don't want to be here either but all the other spots are taken, I was told to be here so can we please not argue about it." I say sitting down on the sleeping bag looking at him.

"I- uh ya I guess." he says then lays dow. As the lights go down.

I'm kinda surprised he agreed, but deal with it and put the silence charm on myself and lay down.

Then slowly, with fear Coursing through my veins I fall asleep.

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now