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(3rd year)

"Hey guys!" I say walking into the compartment. Harry, Hermione, and Ron all look up and smile.

"Hey y/n." They all say in unison.

We started asking each other about are summers and what we did. I decided that I would go look for the candy lady because we were all hungry.

I walked out of the compartment and started looking for the lady. I felt it starting to get cold but continued to walk. My back started to shiver due to how cold it felt. I was about to just head back with no luck, but as I turned around I let out a scream.

Just before the lights flicker off I see a dementor floating right in front of me. I felt the calm energy drain from the air.

Th-then I felt his lips. The emptiness they emitted and the pain, it was all swarming through my head. Then I felt my head hit the cold chamber floor. Over and over and over. The pain in my forehead pounding.

Then I fell. Darkness taking over.

"Hey wake up."

I heard a familiar voice calling, but I didn't recognize their face when I opened my eyes.

"O-oow, Who are you." I ask the boy while rubbing my head, realize we are on the floor and he is hovering over me.

"I could ask you the same question." He responds coolly.

"Y/n." I say sticking my hand out.

"Bloody hell!" He loudly whispers, almost talking to himself.

I kinda understood why his reaction was like that. Most people know me because I hang out with the golden trio, and I did change quite a bit over the summer. I got a hair cut and started wearing more makeup. Plus I changed In a few other ways and places. So he probably just didn't recognize me.

"What?" I still question.


"What?" I ask more confused. Why would he say that brats nam- oh my god!

When did he get hot? I didn't even recognize him. He lost all his baby fat, got taller, and quit gelling his hair back. It even looks, dare I say soft. And when did his eyes get such a pretty silver col- SHUT UP Y/N! It's Malfoy.

"Holy shit!" I say staring at him with wide eyes.

Then I realize how close we are. I could feel his breath on my face. I quickly jumped back which didn't help my dizziness.

"I, uh, I have to go, um , bye." I say stumbling away.

"Was that Stoneshire?" I here Theodore nott ask faintly.

"Um, ya, I- I'm gonna go find blaise." Malfoy says, his voice cracking a little.


"What the hell did they put in his water over the summer?" I ask my self while walking back into the compartment.

"Who?" Hermione asks.

"What?" I ask, did she hear me?

"The person with the summer water."

"Oh, it's kinda funny actually. I saw a dementor out there and I passed out. It was pretty intense, but when I woke up I didn't recognize the person who was helping me. Turns out it was Malfoy." I chuckle a little bit.

"A dementor got you too?" Harry asks.

I nodded.

"Wait so your saying Malfoy got even uglier." Hermione asks while Harry and Ron high five in the background.

"Well, umm, just follow me." I say while dragging her back to where I was before.

As we are about to get there I see him walking from a few compartments down.

"Ok talk to me, sneeze, then look that way."


"Just do it."

And she does.

Her sneeze makes him look up at her. She looks at him. But me and him make eye contact. We stare at each other for a few seconds then he dashes into his compartment.

I look over at Hermione who has wide eyes.

"Holy shit." She whispers loudly at me as she drags me towards are compartment.

"My thoughts exactly."

"He got attractive, and tall, and his hair looks, well, dare I say-"

"Soft!" We say at the same time.

"But he's still an asshole." She concludes.

"Oh uh ya." I say putting on a fake smile.

He's horrible isn't he. He's never been nice to me a day in my life. Well except for that one day last year. But he was probably just feeling sentimental about the last day or something. Just thinking about all the nasty, rude, and mean things he said to me and about me, makes me realize. I never really cared about what he said. But thinking about it now. I don't know why. But it hurt.

And for some messed up reason I care what he thinks.

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now