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  After that I left the hospital wing and the second I got into the common room I let my tears flow. Im just so tired of letting him be awful to me. No matter how much he dislikes me I never really felt the same hatred. So it sucks to know there's no changing his mind.

I get to the dorm and daphne is sitting there.

"Hey y/n- why are you crying?" She asks and stands up from her bed walking over to me.

"I'm so tired of Malfoy bullshit. I try and I try but he's just horrible to me." I sniffle and she hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, not that it makes it any better but I don't think he hates you as much as you think. I know him. He's just.... Stubborn."

"I wish that were true but you should have heard him today. Telling me to stop trying cause it's annoying." I say letting loose from the hug and sitting on my bed.

   I think I'll skip dinner tonight. Im not the most hungry. Plus I don't really want to face him. It's to embarrassing." I say and she nods heading out.

   So I fall asleep with straggling tears in my eyes. Only to get woken up by pansy in the morning.

    "Hurry up it's gonna take a while to fix..... that." She says gesturing to my face.

  "Oh pansy leave her alone." Daphne says.

   Normally I would throw an insult back, but I wasn't in the mood this morning. I smile at daphne and go to get ready in the mirror. Once I'm ready for defense against the dark arts I head down with them and eat breakfast with Harry Hermione and Ron. I practicality passed out at the table. I guess going to sleep after crying isn't the best for your sleep schedule.

    We start heading to defense against the dark arts soon after. I walk in and head to the back of the room and sit in a stray chair. I must've dozed off though because Im woken up by the teacher saying-

   "Miss Stoneshire."

    "What- oh, uh, yes." I say almost hitting my head on the wall. Hearing the class snicker in the process.

   I noticed everyone in a line and Harry's at the front.

  "Do you know what a Bogart is?"


  "Help us demonstrate then."

    "Uh, I guess." I say walking up in front of Harry. This huge jack in the box in front of me.

    "Now, it's going to change into your worst fear, then you can say ridikulous, that will change into something funny."

     "Ok." I say as he walks back towards the side of the room.

    I look up at the Jack-in-the-Box expecting it to turn into a Dementor or something conventionally scary. But it was him.

    His dark hair, his old robes, his eyes which were staring at me. His lips. I couldn't move. Then he said-

   "(Y/n)." Almost in a oddly entrancing whisper, which caused a tear to roll down my cheek. Slowly it rolled, as if the whole world went into slow motion just so this moment could seep into my brain.

    "R- ri-ridi-"

   "Focus (y/n)." I hear Lupin say but it was almost muffled but the blood pounding in my ears.

    He starts to come closer. Leaning over me like the moment right before he ruined me last year.

"RIDIKULOUS!" I yell with tears streaming down my face. I could almost here every drop fall as he puts lips to my cheek.

   He then turns into I guess something funny. I don't really know. I didn't pay attention.

   Because my feet give out and I fall to the floor. My tears clouding my vision. I felt someone help me up and lead me out of the room, so we can sit by the wall alone to talk.

    "(Y/n)" I hear who I now know is Hermione say.

    "Is that v-Voldemort."

   "Y-yah." I say between sobs.

    "I'm so sorry." She say giving me a hug.

    I quickly jump back and head to lunch early after saying-

  "It's fine, im fine."

    Once I get there I'm alone for a good 10 minutes till people start filling in. I stay at the Gryffindor table with my friends. I have people asking me if I was okay. I would say yes. Harry and Ron gave sympathetic looks and realized I didn't want to talk about it. And it was peaceful till-

   "Hey Stoneshire"

    "Shove off Malfoy!" Harry yells back. So I turned around.

    "What do you want." I ask calmly. He looks a little taken back, but quickly continues.

   "Who was that, an ex?"

   I could feel tears but tried to keep a strait face.


    "Aww, are you gonna cry about it."

    "Shut up." I say still trying to keep a calm facade.


    "I cant do this with you today, just leave me alone you asshole." I stand up tall and keep my head high as I walk out of the great Hall not making eye contact. Daphne runs after me.

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now