Alone again

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(Grab some tissues, let's just say I could stop crying while writing this.)

     The next few weeks were really weird. Malfoy kept meeting me to talk, but he would unusual things.

       Like once we meet in the astronomy tower a few days ago and I was waiting for him to start talking, but he never did. He just leaned on my shoulder and feel asleep. He had a little smile on his face which he did have on the way up to the astronomy tower. Also he seemed really calm and happy. But it didn't last.

      He woke up an hour later and with out saying anything walked away. He was being weird and kept doing weird things like staring at me in class but I couldn't think about that right now.

      It's the day before the last task. And Cedric won't leave my side. He won't admit it but he's really nervous. So he and I are now at dinner. He made me sit at the Hufflepuff table with him, claiming that I'm his good luck charm and I'm the reason he hasn't completely lost yet. Dumbledore just gave his speech so we finally get to eat.

      But Cedric won't eat.

     "Ced you have to eat something, it's not healthy to starve yourself."

     "I know it's just, what if, ugh this is the most dangerous task, what if I don't make it." He says looking down.

     "Hey don't talk like that, you are the strongest person I know, you'll do amazing and once you WIN, I will be waiting right there to congratulate you. Ok."

    "Ok." He says in a soft voice looking back up at me.

    The all of a sudden he leans in and places a soft slow kiss on my lips.

    Once he pulls away he leans his forehead on mine and whispers-

   "Sorry I just really needed that."

    While my face is bright red because his friends that are sitting around us are wolf whistling and making kissy faces.

    He pulls away and I look at my lap while he quotes them down.

    I lean my head on his shoulder once he stops talking to them.

   "I love you." I whisper.

    "I love you more."

・ * ・゚★ 。・ * ・゚☆ 。・ * ・゚★ 。・ * ・゚☆

     "GO CEDRIC!!!!" I yell as he walks out with his father holding his arm up looking extremely proud of his son.

     I'm sitting with hermione and Ron who are giggling at me and my outburst.

    "Hey you don't get to talk, Harry's about to walk out and I'm pretty sure you guys are going to scream bloody murder for him." I laugh and they shut up.

    I look back at Cedric who is now looking at me. I mouth the words "I love you" and he does the same back.

    "Earlier today Professor Moody placed
the tri-wizards cup deep within the
maze. Only he knows its exact position.
Now as Mr Diggory..." Dumbledore starts explaining.

Everyone including me cheers for him.

     "and Mr Potter tied for first
position they will be the first to enter
the maze. Followed by Mr Krum..."

The bulgarian crowd goes crazy.

    "The first person to touch
the cup will be the winner. I've instructed
the staff to patrol the perimeter, if
at any point should a contestant wish
to withdraw from the task he or she
need only send up red sparks with their
wands. Contestants, gather rounder.

   We can't hear anything else but I can then see Cedric hug his father. Which makes me smile.

    "On the count of three... ONE..." Dumbledore starts again before the cannon goes off. Mr Filch shrugs.  Making Dumbledore groan in annoyance.

  Then Harry and Cedric enter the maze through different entrances.

・ * ・゚★ 。・ * ・゚☆ 。・ * ・゚★ 。・ * ・゚☆

   I feel myself getting a really bad feeling in my stomach. I don't know how long weave been waiting but it's dark now.

   Then all of a sudden Harry and Cedric both appear at the same time. Everyone starts applauding so I walk down to congratulate him like I said I would.

    But then I hear a scream and I see Harry crying. So I run over.

    And I kneel down next to them.

   And my head starts to spin.

    "Ce- cedric, hay, Cedric," I say whispering and nudging him a little bit.

    "Cedric common get up, Harry why is he moving h-Harry." I start yelling and he just looks at me and starts to cry more.

    "Cedric you said I was your good luck charm, you said you would come back, I said I would wait for you after you win, so you have to keep your promise and wake up. Ok WAKE UP." I start in a whispering tone but end up screaming at the end as I realize he's gone.

  "Cedric please don't leave me." I say leaning over him with my forehead on his like the night before. My tears dropping on his cheeks.

  "I love you remember, and you love me too, and we were gonna be happy, we- we were happy. You made me happy, you made me happy again ok. Cedric I need you." I say my tears making the words come out in choked sobs.

    I can't hear anything else but the blood pumping in me ears. I then fully realize what's happening and I see his father run down yelling something. But it's all blurry and muffled due to my head spinning. He goes to his son and I keep my had on cedrics. I don't want to let go. I then feel someone try to pull me away.

    I look up and see Professor Mcgonagall. She try's to lift me up. But I just scream.

    "S-stop it I don't want leave him, Stop, don't touch me stop I- I want to stay, I promised I would be with him after he finished the tournament, I- said I would stay let go, LET ME GO!" I scream. Struggle out of her grip while my tears block my sight. But it's no avail when I finally feel her tap her wand to my head.

     Then everything went black.

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now