Depression confessions

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    The next morning I will up before anyone else. Probably due to the fact that I'm not used to sleeping that much. What's wired though is the fact that I'm laying extremely close to Malfoy and his arm is wrapped tightly around my waist. He looked peaceful with his hair messy and a blanket bunched up around his shoulders.

     I was drawn out of my thoughts as he instinctively pulls me closer. I quickly get up and take out a book and lean next the the wall near by.

     What's funny though is that he reacts to me leaving like a child would getting a stuffed animal taken away.

     He gets a distressed look on his sleeping face and grabs my pillow instead while rolling over.

    I laugh a little. Then remember that in a little bit everyone will wake up and I will go back to being a filthy little Mudblood.

       But I guess that's ok. He helped me sleep for the first time in months. But I shouldn't think anything f it besides him trying to get me to chill so he could fall back asleep. Cause I'm annoying.

     I understand it. I would try to shut me up too.

       Sooner then later everyone starts to wake up. I see Harry, Hermione and Ron walk over to me.

     "Hey (n/n), it's snowing outside do you wanna go hang out." Harry asks like he does every day. He always tries to cheer me up. Something new every day.

    "Sure that sounds fun." I say getting up a bit more energized than usual. Probably due to the extra sleep.

   "Wait really."

   "Ya let's go." I smile.

    The trio looks like their about to cry from happiness as I drag them out.

     The rest of the day we played In the snow and had a good time. We were laughing and having fun. Before I went back to my sleeping bag they all hugged me really tight. I didn't really understand why till when we pulled away I saw the tears on Hermiones cheeks and them brimming in the boys eyes.

    "Why are you crying?"

    "I-Im just glad my best friends back." Hermione says.
   "I'm so sorry."

   "Don't apologize you did nothing wrong."

   "I-I'm just not as strong as you guys are, seriously I don't know how you guys get through it, I mean all I did was get knocked out and now I can't function like a proper human being, but you guys have gone through so much worse and you pull through everyday."

   "We all cope different ways, but what matters is that in the end of the day we help each other through it. Because I missed you, we missed you."

  "I'm sorry for shutting you out."

   "It's ok, you just scared us."

     We all give each other one last hug then we walk to are sleeping bags.

    "Hello Mudblood."

    "Oh, uh, hello Malfoy."
    "So how did you sleep last night, did it work."

    "W-what, oh- OH, um ya it did, probably the first time I didn't have that dream in months, thank you."

    "It's fine, I can do it for the rest of the time we have to be here if you want."

   "Oh um-"

    "Cause we definitely don't want you to wake up the whole great hall with the annoying side affects to your dream." He quickly says ruining the calm and kind atmosphere that was there a second ago.

    "Oh- um, ya, the annoying side affects." I respond with a sad tone then lay down.

    Soon the lights go out and I cast my charm to keep me quiet. A few minutes later I feel a soft hand on my back. I shudder then calm down. And it slowly starts drawing figure eights with a delicate touch. Like if they were to press any harder I would shatter under there grasp.

    I started to feel calm. Melting at his touch my eyes slowly drift close. The last thing I hear before I drift off is a soft tiered voice whispering.

  "Good night (y/n)."

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now