Chapter three

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When I wake up the next morning, the remote is on the floor and the tv is on the home screen. I look at the time and see its 10:30 so I get excited because I have time to shower before Mickey comes. I smile to myself and get up to shower. I turn my speaker on and start to blast Ice Cold by K Camp. I wash my hair and myself then i try out this new face wash i ordered off amazon. Once im out the shower i pull out a cute pair of ripped jeans and my grey U of C hoodie. Once I'm dressed i start to dig through my closet looking for my favorite pair of Jordans. My cement fours were buried all the way at the bottom under my 50,000 pairs of heels.
I huff and head back into the bathroom to comb my hair. My hair actually co-operates with me today and lets me have cute curls instead of making me look like a poodle who got a bad blow out. I hear my phone ring and I quickly run from the bathroom to the living room. As i jump over my couch i see its just Katrina calling. I roll my eyes and answer anyway, "Hello?" "I need somebody to order me a uber. I'm stranded at the mall in the city." I sigh and mentally scold her. "Wheres you'r credit card? And you couldn't have called Jontavion for this?" she sighs. "He left me here and my purse was in his car. Are you gonna do it or not?" I can hear the attitude in her voice and wonder why Jontavion even likes her. "Okay ill do it but don't expect any more favors from me." I say and then hang up the phone. I quickly order the uber and just in the nick of time too. Mikey's name pops up on my phone letting me know hes outside. I grab my mini backpack and head downstairs.

"You look good repping that college girl." are the first words out of Mikey's mouth when I see him. I smile and thank him. I can feel myself blushing and look at the ground. He opens his car door and I slip inside with a smile. As soon as he gets in he places his hand on my thigh and starts driving. "Is there something on my face?" he asks me with a smile. I quickly look away with a small smile. "Just looking at you cause im trying to learn you. It's just something i do." he nods and looks at me as we stop at a red light. "So what did you learn?" "Well so far iv'e learned that your protective and the romantic type. Those are good quality's." He licks his lips and winks at me.
He then reaches into the glove box and pulls out a bandanna. "Put this over your eyes C." I raise a brow but put it over my eyes anyway. He has my eyes covered for about five minutes before stopping the car and shutting off the engine. I hear the car door shut and then mine opens up. I feel his hands helping me out of the car. "I hope you don't plan on killing me today." I hear him laugh and I let out a giggle. "Trust me I definitely don't." he leads me forward for a while and then we stop and I hear soft music playing.
I feel Mikey untie the blind fold and when it comes off i let out a small gasp. There's a small venue with a picnic table covered with food and flowers. Above the table there are lights strung up and jars with lightning bugs. Mikey takes my hand and leads me over to the table. "Do you like it?" he asks. I look at him and notice how nervous he is. "I love it! How long did this take you?" he smiles. "About two hours. My little brother did the lightning bug thing. I thought it was too much at first." I look around again and notice we are in a small wooded area that blocks the sun. "I love the fireflies. Your brother is a smart man." i say with a laugh. He tells me to sit and as soon as i do i notice the note on the table.

"You are one of the best people i've been around. The energy you bring everyday is amazing and you manage to keep a smile on your face although you deal with Katrina." i laugh at this part. "You also are the kind of woman i could see myself loving but that's for another time. I hope you enjoy the food." i smile at the note and notice Mikey starring at me. "What?" as i look at him i cant help but notice how good Mikey Looks right now. His light skin is glowing and those green eyes are absolutely captivating. The tattoo he has above his eye is so sexy.
"You know, beauty like yours doesn't come natural anymore. Guess that's where i got lucky at huh?" I pop a chocolate covered strawberry in my mouth and nod. He laughs and the sound fills the area making me shiver. "Shall we eat?' as i look at the food spread across the table i cant decide what to eat. I take some of everything and smile when i notice that the sandwiches were grilled chicken. Mikey must have been studying me for a while to know that grilled chicken sandwich are my favorite. As I take a bite into the sandwich i let out a moan. "You like it? I made them myself." I raise my eyebrows and ask, "Where did you learn to cook like this?" he smiles and looks at his phone."My mom said that a man should be able to cook just as well as his girl." "Oh so what makes you think i can cook?" i ask with a sly smile. "Girl your half Dominican please stop playing." he says. I nod, "You right i can make a mean pollo guisado." The conversation flows between Mikey and I as we continue to eat.

As soon and the sun sets Mikey makes me put the blindfold back on. He leads me farther into the wooded area and i start to get nervous. "Relax Cuba, I'm right here." I try to relax but it's hard, it's dark and I can't see. After what seemed like forever we stop and he takes the blindfold off. There's a field full of fireflies and and waterfall in the distance which makes this place even more romantic. "I was hoping we could be kids for the rest of this date and catch some fireflies.." Mikey whispers in my ear. I nod with the biggest smile on my face and run out into the open field.
I see Mikey in the corner of my eye and turn to him. He has a firefly on his finger and hes beckoning me closer.When i step closer to him he motions for me not to move as he gently places the firefly on my nose. I giggle when it lights up before flying away. "You know my mom said that if a firefly lands on you its a lost soul trying to tell you they love you." just as he says that two fireflys land on each of my shoulders. I'm kinda in shock because I believe in spirit animals.
"My mom had given birth to twin girls back when i was eleven. We spent everyday together just because i loved the twins. Then one day i come home from school just to find out there were killed in a hit and run." i feel myself tearing up as i say it because the fireflies on my shoulder light up simultaneously as i say the last part of the story. "Maybe these lil buggers here are the twins coming to tell you they love you." Mikey says as he wraps me in his arms. The fireflies fly off and i look up at Mikey about to thank him when he kisses me. I could feel the heat in my stomach magnify by a thousand the moment our lips touch. I smile when he pulls away because im still in a bliss.

Mikey talks about his family the whole way back to my house and i don't mind because his family sounds wonderful. His mother loves to bake and his grandma owns a little boutique back in their home town of Lawrson. "So why did you guys move to Vegas then?" i ask him when he pauses. "My mm wanted to get out of that little town just to prove to everyone that she could. She's a strong woman." i agree and let him talk until we arrive at my house.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the office?" I ask before getting out. "Definitely" he says before kissing my hand. I feel myself melt and tell him goodnight. He waits until i make it inside before driving off. Today was one of the best days of my life. I make my way upstairs still thinking about tonight's events that left me in a daze. It doesn't last long because my phone rings obnoxiously loud. With a sigh i pick up, "Hello?" I hear Jontavion on the other end. "Do you think you could come into the office really quick? I need some help looking over some of these documents." he asks me. I groan internally and tell him ill be there shortly. "So much for a shower and movie night huh?" I say to myself as i make my way back out my front door and into my car. Grumbling to myself the whole way there makes me realize that im always o quick to jump at this mans every back and call. "That's your job though." i say aloud to myself. When i pull up to the studio i see Jontavion's red BMW parked in the lot. I quickly park my car and make my way inside.

When i open the door i hear music coming from down the hall so i go see if that's where Jontavion is. I was right because as soon as i pushed open the door i caught the sent of his cologne. "Nice of you to finally show up." he says while rolling his eyes. I ignore his attitude and walk over to his desk. "What documents do you need me to look at?" i ask because i want to get back home asap. I feel Jontavions breath on my neck and turn around. "Please back up." i say politely. He puts his hand under my chin forcing me to make eye contact with him. "Why you acting like that?" he leans in closer and i can smell the liquor on his breath.
"Wheres the bottle Jontavion?" i ask in a whisper. His presence is filling the entire room making it hard for me to breath. "Under the desk." he says and turns away from me. "I thought you were done with alcohol." i say to him as I bend down to grab the bottle from under his desks. "I was. Until the other night at my moms."
I look at him with a brow raised. "Did something happen?" I ask treading lightly. "I know I acted a ass. I shouldn't have brought Katrina along. I shouldnt have talked to you the way i did in the car. I'm sorry." His words are slurred and I dont know if i believe him or not. "It's fine. She's your girlfriend and im just your secretary. No need to get yourself worked up." i take the bottle and walk out of the room. I can hear him behind me walking quietly.
"So your not mad at me?" he asks. "What do i have to be mad about? I'm just your secretary after all." I turn to him and hold my hand out. He places his hand in mine and i lead him to my car. Once he's settled in i type Ms. Janis' address into my phone and proceed to take her son home. He falls asleep on the way there so i have to shake him awake when we arrive. "Come inside with me." he says as he grabs my arm not really giving me a choice. I scold myself but let my legs follow him anyway. I mean what harm could really come from this?

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