Chapter eleven

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(A week later)
I woke up around 10 today and decided to spend the day with Misty. I grabbed some ripped jeans and a grey Nike shirt out of my closet. I grab my white air forces and my favorite ankle socks. I let my hair out of the bonnet and smile when I get full, bouncy curls instead of my usual tight curls.
I make a açaí yogurt breakfast for myself and some kibble for Misty. As we eat we watch spongebob from the kitchen. My phone pings so I check my texts. Blossom: hey are you free tomorrow? I smile and thank god for having Candyland give me two weeks to think about her offer. Me: sure. Meet me at Starbucks tomorrow at 1. Misty bounds into the living room when she's done and runs right to her bed. She sits in her bed as she waits for me to finish. The moment I'm done she comes running  from the living room so I can put her leash on her. "You're full of energy you know that?" She gives me a doggy smile and I just melt.

I lead Misty downstairs and into my car so we can go to our first destination. As I'm driving I think about Candylands offer and decide that I'm going to send my resume to a few other music people. I need to see offers and options before I just leap into a five year contract. "Misty guess where we are going?" I say aloud once I'm happy with what I've come up with. She look at me in the mirror so I continue. "We are going to Gucci and the pet store." She barks and I laugh to myself. Misty is definitely my bestfriend.

We pull into Gucci's parking lot and Misty starts wagging her tail. I get out then open the back door for Misty. She jumps out and starts barking excitedly.
"Shhh girl. We're classy ladies." She seems to nod at me like she understands. We head inside Gucci and Gladis, the lady at the front desk greets me. "Cuba where have you been?! You missed so many sales." She says as she gives me a hug. She turns to Misty and melts on spot. "She is so cute. Where did you get her!?" I smile at Gladis. "The pet store by my house was having a opening sale and I went in to see what they had. The moment I set eyes on Misty I fell in love." Gladis reaches behind her desk and breaks off a piece of her burger. "Sit." Misty sits almost instantly and Gladis happily gives her the small piece. "Enjoy your time." Gladis says as Misty and I walk further into the store.

"Misty isn't this the cutest swim suit?" I say as I turn to show her a swimsuit with Mickey Mouse on it. Her tail wags and I put it in my bag. We walk to the back of the store and find the men's section. I grab two large white shirts that have a butterfly on them. I smile to myself because Jontavion's birthday is coming up. Thinking of him made me check my phone to see if he text. Im kinda disappointed when I see he hasn't.
Misty tugs on her leash so I follow her to what she see's. She leads me to a doggy bowl and a super cute dog sweater that happens to be in her size. I grab both items and we head to the check out line.
The cashier is a rather handsome looking man. He has skin the color of milk chocolate and eyes the color of the sky. He smiled at me and I could have sworn my heart stopped beating. "Your total will be two thousand fifty five and sixty five cents." I nod and pull out my card. I wait for my receipt and curiously look around the store so I can avoid staring at the cashier. 'Don't be a dweeb ask him his name.'

"What's your name sir?" I ask him. He looks up at me as he hands me my receipt and bags. "Darnell." His voice is raspy like he just woke up. My stomach feels like there's a thousand butterflies now there when he smiles at me. "What's yours?" He asks with a smirk. "Cuba." "And the dogs name?" He asks as he hands her a dog treat.  "Her name is Misty." I walk away after that smiling knowing I'll see him again.

I put Misty in the car first before I put the bags in my trunk. I get in the drivers seat and start the car. Misty is laying down in the backseat enjoying the drive. I stop at Starbucks and get a pink drink, I also buy Misty a pupachino. I wait in the parking lot for Misty to finish her ice cream and then head to the pet store. Once we make it to the pet store I lead Misty inside so she can get her nails cut and glossed. "Hello and welcome to petlandia. The place where pups come to play." The dog groomer says to me. I smile at her then turn to Misty. "Your gonna come out of there feeling like a whole new pup." I say to her before they lead her in the back.

I walk around the store and look for dog treats that seem like a good option for Misty. I also look for clothes and bows for her collar. I check the time on my phone and see it's been almost 30 minutes, Misty should be coming out any minute. I pay for the stuff I found and run to my car to put it in the trunk along with all the other bags that are in there. When I come back inside the groomers  are bringing her out from her mani-pedi. Misty looked so good and her coat was full of life. "We gave her a free bath because she was playing with some of the other dogs back there." I thank them and hand them a hundred dollar bill. I lead Misty to my car and open the back door so she could spread out some. She jumped in and almost immediately got comfortable. Before I even make it in the car I get a text. Jontavion: I have a meeting tomorrow at 3:30. I sit there and stare at my phone because it's been a whole week since I've herd from him. Me: okay... As I start to drive home, I think about Monday night.

I really did that. 'Your single. Don't forget..' my subconscious reminds me. I mentally curse myself and smile because she's right. I am single, but on the other hand Mikey told me he loved me. He loved me? I replay that part in my head over and over until I get home. "He meant as a friend." I say aloud. 'Yea cause friends kiss and use each other to make the person their in love with mad... you felt the tension.' My subconscious is always sticking her two cents in. I make Misty some dinner and then go into my room to go through the stuff I bought.

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