Chapter four

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Boy was i wrong about letting Jontavion lead me inside last night. He literally wouldn't let me leave.  Jontavion just put his head on my lap and went to sleep. When i woke up today it was noon and he was wrapped around me like a child. I tried to sneak out without waking him but failed. The moment i took his arm off of me he woke up.
"Why are you here?" he asked me. "You made me come inside with you last night after i bought you home. You were drinking again. Are you sure your okay Jontavion?" I ask as he slips on his shoes. "Don't worry about me Cuba! I already have my mom and Katrina down my neck I don't need you too." he half shouts before leaving the room. I sit on his bed dumbfounded at how he was so sweet to me last night with the apology.

He's a completely different person when hes drinking. I don't know if I can keep up with his mood swings. As I make my way downstairs I can hear Ms. Janis yelling at Jontavion from the kitchen.  "Why do you have to treat people this way?! Your no good to anybody when your drinking Jon and you know it." I don't stay to hear the rest because I don't want to be yelled at for ear hustling.

As i'm driving home my phone pings with a text. It's from Mikey asking me why i didn't show up to the studio today. I tell him something came up and ill make it up to him soon. It's Friday and I totally forgot about my brunch with Blossom tomorrow. I shoot her a text and reschedule for next week. She agrees so I stop at this little cafe that's down the block from my house and grab a chai tea. I pull up to the park and get out to walk the trail and think.
I chastise myself for not going home to change before this but I just have to much on my mind. Im still in the same clothes from yesterday.
As i walk the trail the events from yesterday and this morning play out in my head. I cannot bring myself to find a answer for  Jontavion's actions towards me. I cant help but think that im going to lose my job if i keep denying him. I dont know what to do anymore.

I decide to let it go because there's no point in stressing myself out with shit that doesn't involve me. 'But it does. It's your career we're talking about.' The voice in my head reminds me. I make my way back to my car and you wouldn't believe who was at the little park on the swings. Mikey and some girl, holding hands. Although i do think its a little weird, i don't go over to them because after all Mike and I are just  friends. I watch them for a few seconds before I get in my car.
As I drive off I think about I ended up at this point in my life. I have the dream job any person would want, even if it is for a alcoholic asshole like Jontavion, I have a rocking body and I'm independent. Yet I feel like I'm missing something.... I'm not sure what but that's how it feels.

When I pull into my driveway I get this weird feeling in my stomach. I park my car and head towards my front door. I quietly unlock my front door and push it open. As i step inside my house i can hear somebody in my kitchen. I reach inside my bag and grab my pepper spray and pocket knife. I quietly make my way to my kitchen and stop when i hear a groan and a bang. "Shit." I turn the corner prepared to attack but stop short when i see Jontavion in my kitchen.
"What the hell are you doing here?!" I ask him. He looks up at me and I can tell he's been drinking. It's only been a hour since I left his house and he's already shit faced.  "I pay you so i can come here if i wish." I raise my eyebrow and place my hand on my  hip. "Just because you pay me doesn't mean you can come to my house whenever you please. I dont know what you thought this was, especially after how you  treated me earlier." he rubs the back of his neck with his hand and steps towards me.
"Unt Unt stay over there." I tell him and raise my pepper spray. "Cuba please.... I need you." My heart skips a beat as i look at the man in front of me but i stand my ground. "If you really needed somebody you would have called your girlfriend. I'm not playing any games with you Jontavion. Leave now!" I feel good about myself after that. He looks defeated for a second but then anger replaces. "Fine. Your not worth my time anyway." he tells me before leaving. I feel so confused when he leaves. I cannot deal with his mood  swings for much longer.

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