Chapter fifteen

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I'm grateful that everybody gave me time to go through the offers, I didn't go to sleep until 3:30am. When misty jumped on me to take her out i look over at the clock and its around 11:45am. I push her off of me so I could use the bathroom before taking her out. As I brushed my teeth she sat in the doorway of the bathroom patiently. I lead her to the door and outside. I let her run around some before calling her back inside. I saw my laptop and decided to grab it so I could finish looking at some houses.

I'm stuck looking at this two bedroom house, it has grey wood flooring, the countertops were a granite white and the cabinets matched the grey color of the floor. I could tell from the pictures I was looking at that the backyard would be more then enough space for Misty to run around. I head to my room to grab my phone and notice the bag from Gucci picking out of my closet. I grab it and empty the contents on my bed. The matching shirts fall out along with the bathing suit I picked out. I frown at the shirts and decide to stuff them in my drawer so I would have to see them. I turn to the swimsuit and decide that after I call the realtor I would head to the beach.

I walk back into my kitchen and call the number on the screen. The phone rings four times before I hear a perky voice on the other end, "Hello this is Julie from Better Home living. How may I help you?" I smile because nobody is this nice anymore. "Hi my names Cuba and I'm calling about the house you have for sale on Stebble street." I hear her trying on her computer before she responds. "Yes ma'am. Would you like to see it today?" The words aren't already out of my mouth before I think about it. "Yes today would be perfect. Does 3 work?" The woman named Julie sounded almost as excited as me when she agreed to meet at three to show me the house. I thank her before hanging up the phone. I look at the clock and it's about 12:30 so I decide to get ready for the beach.

Misty follows me into my room as I sing to myself. I grab my phone playing 'Personal' by Kehlani and dance around while I search for my sandals. I find them next to my box of white fours. As I place them next to my bathing suit I smile because the red on the swimsuit matches the red of my sandals perfectly. I quickly text Blossom and ask her if she wants to meet at the beach. She responds in record time saying she would be there in 20 so I quickly changed and then threw on some cut offs. I slip my sandals on and then grab Misty's leash. As I slip it into my bag another artist offer falls out of it. I pick it up off the floor and see the name across the top. My heart races inside of my chest because Jontavion wants me to come back and work for him double my original pay. 

I throw the paper on the counter and head to the front door. Misty runs out as soon as I open it and I nearly trip over her. "Watch out girl." She barks in response and I turn to lock the door. When I get to the car Misty is already sitting by the drivers side door waiting for me. I chuckle to myself and open the door. She jumps inside and makes herself comfortable in the back seat. It's actually a hot day here in New York considering it's October. It's 95 degrees with no wind. Halloween in in four days, I think to myself and smile. And Jontavion is in three so... my self conscious says. I roll my eyes and start the drive to the beach. When I get there it's about 1:15, I'm keeping my eye on the time because I don't want to miss my open house.

When we pull up to the beach I notice Blossom getting out of her car with a speaker and basket. I park my car and turn to hook Mistys leash to her harness. She wags her tail excitedly as Blossom approach's the car. I get out and Misty follows behind me. I make sure to grab my bag and phone before locking the doors. "Hey babe!" Blossom greets me and kisses my cheek. "I hope you weren't doing anything." I say with a smile. "I'm glad you asked me to come. I was bore out of my mind with paperwork." I giggle and we head down the beach. We choose a spot in the sun and set our towels down. Blossom opens the top of her basket and pulls out some pepperoni, she gives Misty one before heading it to me. I smile wickedly because pepperoni is my favorite snack.

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