Chapter twenty two

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I try to look around but all I see in darkness. I try to move my body but it doesn't respond. I hear a door close and then footsteps as they get closer to me. A bright light blinds me as the darkness is removed. I let my eyes adjust and frown when I come face to face with Katrina.

"About time bitch." I try to speak back but my mouth doesn't form the words my brain wants to say. "Don't bother trying to talk or move. I've paralyzed you." My heart starts to race. Where am I? "Even if you could move, you wouldn't make it far." I watch her as she pulls a chair up next to the bed. "I just don't understand what he sees in you... or Mikey for that matter." I listen to her words as she runs a long nail down my cheek.

"Your body is nice I'll give you that but your useless." I wished I could fight back. I saw her grab a scalpel off the table behind her. She places it on my right thigh and I couldn't do anything as she carved into my skin. The tears were rolling down my face and I begged god to make her stop. "You want to act like nothing but a whore then I treat you like one."

She placed the blindfold back over my eyes and before I know it I was in the dark again. I could feel the movement of the bed as it rolled around. It went on like that for about 5 minutes. I herd a door slam and felt the cold night air nipping at my skin. Goosebumps arose and I herd Katrina laugh. "Hope you can handle camping." We stop moving but then I feel hands on me. I can't do anything and they lift me upright and hook some cuffs around my wrist.

When they let go the burning sensation of hanging by my arms overpowers whatever drug Katrina gave me. I let out a blood curdling scream as she walked away. I was hanging from a tree with no clothes on and no function of my legs. I could hear all kinds of animals as I hung from the tree and I just hoped she had enough decency to hang me high enough that they couldn't eat me.

A sharp sting come across my back and I cry out. The first was followed by another and another one after that. I let out a whimper and begged whoever it was to stop. "You deserve this and more." A deep voice says. Two more strikes across my back and then I could hear them walk away. "Somebody help me." I cry to myself. Sometime during the night my eyes fell shut and I was asleep while suspended in midair.

"Wake up whore." I herd Katrinas voice and groggily tried to look around. The blindfold was off and I was laying on my side. She was behind me bandaging my wounds and I couldn't help but to cry as she poured alcohol on them. Once she was finished she turned me over and just stared at me. "I can't believe he wants a woman like you. Considering how he already has a wife and daughter." I looked at her confused and she laughed right in my face. "Who?" I croaked out. She gave me a drink of water. "Mikey." I frown and she watches in surprise.

"Oh so that was a secret then. Well that's too bad." She laughs as she walked out of whatever room I was in. She didn't tie me up but she did leave me naked with my ankle in a cuff. I slowly sat up because I didn't want the cuts on my back to bleed. I was in a room that looked to be under ground. It was just the bed I was laying in, some chains hanging from the wall and then the door.

I tried to stand but couldn't. My arms still burned and my shoulders were pink. "What did I do?" I whisper aloud. I hear the door open but I don't bother looking up to see who it is. "Cuba." I hear Mikeys voice and look up. "Why? Why am I here?" I cry out to him. "You have a family. Why do you want me?!" He slowly walks over to me and pushes the hair out of my face. "Oh baby." He wraps me in his arms and I don't fight. "You deserve to be treated like a princess. I could have done that had you aloud me to but you were so blinded by that other guy."

He sounds crazy as I listen to him. "So now you will be treated like Cinderella." I let the tears fall as he makes me look at him. "I love you Cuba. Soon you will love me too." He leaves and I'm all alone again. I lay down in the bed and just cry, I cry about my mom, I cry about Berlin and I even cry because of Tae. I wish he was here right now. I try to force myself to sleep but it doesn't work and I'm still awake when Katrina come back into the room. "Come on get up." She forces me up as she undoes the cuff on my ankle. She leads me out of the room and into other that has a table full of food.

She seats me in a chair and cuffs my ankles to it. "Hope you enjoy dinner." She takes a seat next to me and we wait for Mikey. When he enters the room I make sure he knows how much I hate him. "You sad little prick. Had to kidnap me because you don't love your wife enough?!" He doesn't pay any attention to me and I feel electric shocks being sent through my body. I groan and wait for it to be over. "As you were saying?" He smirks at me. The man across from me isn't the Mikey I met 6 years ago. Hell he's not even the man I knew five months ago. "I think she should eat." Katrina says. "Feed her."

She turns to me and starts stuffing mashed potatoes in my mouth. I cough and push her hands away but she keeps forcing the potatoes into my mouth. "That's enough." I look at Mikey and notice the blood red color of his eyes. He's on drugs my subconscious say to me. I start to cry and I try to swallow the potatoes that were in my mouth. Katrina leaves the room and I'm left with Mikey.

He walks over to me and grabs my hair. He pulls my head back to look at him and I close my eyes. He slaps me and yells at me to look at him. When I do his nose is almost touching mine. "You don't know how to love. I'm gonna teach you." He knocks all the food off the table and forces me on my feet. He snaps his fingers and a man come out of the shadows to unlock the cuffs on my feet. The man leave the room and Mikey slams me down on the table. As my head connects with the wood my vision goes blurry.

"You think your so special huh? That you can play games with peoples heads?" He yanks my head back and I close my eyes as I brace myself for another blow. He pulls me and I stumble after him. I hear the door shut behind us and I open my eyes. I only see the blue carpet as he drags me down the hallway. A door opens and he drags me through. I feel the cuffs on my wrists before I'm suspended in mid air again. I cry out and tears come to my eyes.

Mikeys hand is around my throat. He forces me to look at him as his other hand roams my exposed body. I can't bring myself to believe this is the same guy who took me out so many times before. He leaves the room and I hang my head as i hang from the ceiling. God please help me...

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