Chapter thirty

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The past week has been rough. Not talking to Cuba made me notice how much I really loved her. Katrina is a spiteful little.... not gonna go there. I texted Berlin a few times but she was vague so I just let it go.

I get up, shower then decide to go to the studio. When I get there, I only see DJ's car and I let out a breath of relief. When I get inside I see DJ sitting on the lounge area. "Hey man." He looks up and then smiles. "I was just about to call you. Got a few tracks I want you to try out." I follow him into the recording area and get down to business.

The tracks DJ produced were fire and I knew if I came up with the right lyrics there was no way we weren't going platinum again. Once I'm done I'm the studio I decide to go downtown and do some shopping around. I pull up to the burger shack and do a double take when I see Cuba sitting in a booth with Berlin, Darnell and some random guy. My heart Plummets and anger surges inside of me. How could she be out with another guy? Hmm maybe because you're too soft to tell her what was really going on...

I groan but decide to push the feelings I had about the situation to the side. I hold my head high and walk into the burger shack. Out the corner of my eye I can see Cuba's eyes lock onto me but I ignore it and keep walking. Once I get to the register the anger bubbles back up and I can't help but to try and hurt the girl again. "Hello beautiful." I say loud enough because I know she's listening. The cashier blushes and I continue my order. "Can I get a double decker with cheese and ketchup. Your number and a large onion ring?" The cashier lets out a giggle and punches in my request. When she passes me a napkin with her number on it I hear the doorbell ring before the sound of the closing.

When I turn Cuba and everyone she was with was gone. Way to go asshole.. I internally groan and take my food to go. My phone goes off and Berlins name flashes across the screen. "Hello?" The minute she starts to talk I wish I hadn't answered. "You are so lucky there were other people in that restaurant jackass. You must want to push her into Dontae's arms." My brain racks for words to say but I can't think of any. "And now you're quiet? Pathetic." She hangs up and I sit in the parking lot with my head full of confusion.

I eat my food then drive home. When I get there I go knock on Blossoms door. AJ greets me at the door then lets me inside. "Baby where is- what are you doing here?" Blossom looks at me and crosses her arms over her chest. "What your mad at me too?" AJ walks past and it's my shoulder. "Good luck brother." She continues into the kitchen and I sigh. "You know, it's like you only wanted her when you couldn't have her. Now that you do, well did, you want to treat him like some regular whore that you've banged." Blossoms voice rises and I flinch. "It's not like that.." she gives me a look that my mom would give me.

"Oh really?" AJ walks in and hands me a drink. "Can I explain it to you guys?" I take a seat on the couch and frown. "Sure." They both sit down and I take a big swig of whatever AJ gave me. "When we got back from our little get away Katrina was in my house waiting for me. She was saying things about missing me and all." Blossom rolls her eyes. "Guess that's why you were smooching her huh?" I frown and shake my head. "I didn't kiss her. She came up to me and instinctively my hands went up to her hips. She only got close enough for it to look like that's what was going on. I swear I wouldn't do that to Cuba." AJ  stares at me before leaning forward. "Did you say something to her?"

"No." I look at the ground. "I got a letter with the original pictures and it told me to leave Cuba or something bad would happen again." AJ leans back and Blossom takes her place. "Still should have told her." I groan and run a hand through my hair. "I know but I didn't want to rush losing her. But I guess the idea was kinda played out." I finish what was in my cup. "Bro you have to be honest with her. She's hurt right now and you haven't even tried to fix it have you?" AJ waits for me to answer. "No." I hear Blossom curse at me before her face is in front of mine.

"Be honest with her. A girl like Cuba appreciates honesty even in a fucked up situation like this one." She heads into her room leaving me with AJ. "I haven't even met this girl yet but from what I'm hearing she's worth it." I thank her and leave over to my place. When I get home I sit on the couch and think about everything that I've been through with Katrina and Cuba. I've had enough of Katrina and her crazy bullshit. As I ponder about how I could get Cuba back there's a knock on my door.

I open it and find a delivery boy standing there. "Are you Jontavion?" I nod and his eyes light up. "First of all I would like to say big fan! Your music is dope and second here's your food." He must notice the look on my face because he reaches into my back pocket and pulls out a note. He hands me the food and note then disappears. I shit the door and take the food to the counter. I open the container and find shrimp fried rice, orange chicken and a Fortune cookie. I open the note and smile when I read it.

Tae, here's some lunch because I know you didn't eat today.

My heart does a little happy dance because I know she still cares about me. I still have a chance to win her back and I think I have the perfect way to do it. When I taste the food my stomach does a backflip. "Damn that's good." Like the hungry beat that I am, I quickly gobbled down the food. When I was done I went into my office to start planning out everything I was going to say to Cuba.

When I opened my eyes it was morning and the sun was shining down directly on my face. I sit up and realize that I fell asleep in my office. I get up and pad to the kitchen to grab something to drink. The clock on the stove says 7am. I never get up this early. I decide to go down to the gym that was in my building and do some lifting. When I get down there's it's just me and I smile. I plug my iPod into the speaker and turn the volume all the way up, thanking the workers that made the room soundproof.

When I get back from the gym i jump in the shower and call Berlin. "What?" She answers the phone and I smile. "Feisty as usual. I have a plan and I need your help." She listens to what I say and reluctantly agree to help me out. Once I'm off the phone I grab my car keys and head off to the mall. I owe my girl a big apology.

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