Chapter Seven

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When I get up I go through my closet and find one of my favorite black tops and a pair of white jeans. The jeans have rips in the knee and the ankles cut off. I grab a pair of black heels and a white purse then place them on my bed.

I go to my bathroom and run the flat iron over my wavy hair and smile. I'm going to a brunch for a bunch of top music artists and I'm hoping to get a new job today. It's been about a week since I left my old job and honestly I just enjoyed the time off. "You are going to nail this bitch." I talk to my reflection and hype myself up. Once I'm satisfied with my hair I don't bother with a full face of makeup. I just do my eyebrows and some pink lipstick.

I rush to the kitchen and grab the toast that just popped out of the toaster and quickly put some butter on it. I ran back to my room and quickly put my heels on. I stuffed my face with the toast and grabbed my purse. I smoothed out my outfit then grabbed my keys and walked out the door. "You got this." My phone pings with a text and I look to see who it is. Blossom: are we still on for today love? I curse myself in my head quickly type out a apology and take a rain check. She understands and agrees with me.

~~~ 2 hours later ~~~
I was at the table with a female rapper known as Candyland. She got he nickname from her dad as a kid and she stuck with it ever since. "I've actually just dropped my first summer song. It's doing numbers on the chart. It's number two today actually!" She says showing me and I realize I've heard her song on the radio early in the morning on my way there.

"I actually love your song." I say to her. She smiles at me and looks over to the man that has been following her around all night. "I couldn't have done it without my producer. He come with all the heat." I nod at him and then smile when I see them kiss each other. "Candy, I was actually wondering if you had a opening for a personal assistant/ secretary? I have my resume and I'm more then qualified." I brag about myself a little and she laughs. "You can start on Wednesday." She says and the goes off to meet with other music people.

"I told you you had it." I smile to myself. I see somebody coming up to me in the corner of my eye and turn to greet them. I see another artist coming up to me so I put on my game face. "How you doing? I'm Lil Rocko. What's your name?" I tell him my name then jump straight into business. I meet with about 3 other people who said they would employ me. I got their work terms and everything so I'm going to go over them tonight.

As I leave the venue I shoot a text to Mikey, 'might have a new job by Friday!' Then lock my phone and hop into my car.  I head over to the mall and decide to do a little browsing and maybe a little spending. The first place I go is the nail salon because I need my nails done. It's takes them about a hour to do both my hands and feet. I ended up getting a pedicure because I wanted a color change on my toes. I chose red to match my nails.

Then I go to a couple stores to buy Knick knacks and a couple tshirt dresses. I saw a pair of blue and white Jordan's in the footlocker window so I just had to get them. I was done shopping at this point so I decided to just walk around the mall. I ended up at the puppy place and decide to see what they have. I go inside and the first puppy I see was a silky grey giant schnauzer. She was sooo sweet with her big blue eyes and grey fur. I ask the worker how much she costs and to my surprise she's not as expensive as I thought.

I pull out 3000 in cash hand it to the worker who's looking at me as if I've grown two heads. "That's twice as much as she costs.." I smile and begin to grab doggy sweaters and treats "that should cover this." I say to her. She smiles and then rings me up. She hands me some forms to fill out before she hands me my bags and lets the puppy out of her little crib. She runs right to me and my heart swells. "I'm gonna call you Misty."  I say to the dog. She barks in response so I take it as she liked the name.

I leave the mall with misty in my hands along with the 50,000 bags that were in my hands. I set all the bags in the back and put Misty in the passenger seat. She curls up into a ball and falls asleep almost immediately. I take a picture of her then check to see if Mikey left any messages. 'Hey that's great. A celebration dinner is in store.' I smile and quickly tell him to meet me at my place.

I race home so I can put everything away and set up everything for Misty. She is bouncing through my apartment like a deer and it's so cute. I make sure to teach her that her name was Misty right away so she would listen when I call her. She wags her tail every time I look at her so I pet her cause she's too cute to resist. I hear my phone go off so I stop petting her and check my messages.

'I'm outside.' I smile at mikeys text and quickly go unlock the door. Before he even makes it inside Misty jumps at him and he catches her. She licks his face multiple times before jumping out of his arms and taking her spot on the couch. "And who's that?" Miley askes with a smile. "Misty." I say with a big smile. She lays down on the couch and watches the exchange between me and Mikey. I head into the kitchen and Mikey follows because he's cooking for me tonight.

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