Chapater twenty seven

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When I wake up I feel strong arms wrapped around me. I slowly remove them so I can go to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror I notice I'm visibly relaxed and my skin seems clearer. I do my business then wash my hands. I walk back into the room and smile when I see Tae is still asleep.

I walk downstairs and swiftly roll up a backwood. I grabbed the blender and the frozen kiwi/strawberry out of the freezer. I pour the frozen fruit in the blender and then add a little bit of almond milk. I blend the stuff together and pour it into two separate bowls. I slice up some bananas and put them on the top. I place the bowls in the fridge so they stay cool. I make my way upstairs and notice my phone on the dresser. I grab it and place it in my pocket before making my way over to Jontavion. I notice his phone on the bedside table and hesitate before waking him up.

As much as I wanted to know who he was talking to I don't do it because we have to build trust. He rolls over and a smile covers his face. "Goodmorning beautiful." He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Hi." He grabs me and pulls me to him. "Lay with me." I slap his shoulder. "No I want to do something fun today. Plus I made breakfast." His eyes shoot open and I laugh. "Anything for food." He heads into the bathroom to do his business. I head downstairs and wait for him. When I hear him coming I light up the backwood. He smiles lazily as he walks into the kitchen and sits beside me. I pass him the blunt and climb over him to get the food.

When I set the smoothie bowl down in front of him he laughs. "Go figure there's no carbs." I swat at him.  "This will fill you up trust me." He passes the blunt back and I take a big puff, letting the smoke fill my lungs. I blow it out and put it out at half way. We eat and I watch Jontavion wash the dishes before we finish the wood. He pulls out his phone and look at stuff to do around here.

"There's a river ride about 5 minutes from here." I nod and blow the smoke in his face. "That sounds fun. Let's do it." He calls the place and sets our reservation for 12:30. That left me a hour to get ready. I race upstairs and dig through my suitcase. I find a white pair of jeans and a long sleeve. My digital pink 1's were in the bottom of the suitcase. I smile at the gesture and slip on my shoes. Jontavion walks out of the bathroom wearing black jeans with a white t shirt. He has on Air Force ones and a black jean jacket.

He steps in front of the mirror and slips on his chain and grills. He turns to me and smiles causing my heart to flip. He is so sexy... my subconscious say and I agree. "Ready?" I grab my phone and put it in my back pocket. I follow him downstairs and out the front door. My phone goes off as I get into the car and I grab it to see who it is.
Berlin: Hey are you enjoying your trip?!
Me: you knew about this?
Berlin: I helped plan it😘

I look over at Tae who's smiling at me. "Wanna take a picture?" He shrugs and comes closer to me. "Smile." The camera shutters and I immediately go look at the picture. I'm happy it came out cute because I doubt he would have taken another. He pulls out of the driveway and heads to our destination. My phone starts to ring and I quickly answer it. "Hi mom!" Her sweet voice fills my ears. "Hi mija. What are you doing?" I fill her in on my trip and she gushes a bunch of sweet stuff. She hangs up leaving me in high spirits and I get even more excited when we pull up to the place.

Jontavion tells the lady behind the desk he had a twelve o clock reservation. The clerk doesn't hide the fact that she's checking him out. He doesn't even glance at her as he wraps his arms around me waiting for her to give us our tickets. She shoots me a angry look and I ignore it. "Talk about no self respect." Tae says as we head to the dock. I giggle because the clerk was subtlety trying to make him look at her breast. We hand our tickets over to another employee and they help us into the ride.

As we float around the river we crack jokes and talk the entire time. The energy between us was definitely relaxed and comfortable. Tae is one of the easiest people to talk to. When we leave the little boat place he takes me on the scenic route to the cabin. We pass a valley of sheep and Tae slows down so I could take a picture. When we make it back to the cabin I'm starving. He offers to make dinner and I happily agree.

"Shrimp alfredo it is." I sit in the kitchen with him as he cooks and he doesn't hesitate to make bad jokes. I think about Misty and decide to text the only person I know is watching her.
Me: how is she?
Ms. Janis: she's asleep we went fishing today.

Ms. Janis send me a picture of misty with a bass in her mouth and I let out a laugh. I show Jontavion and he smiles, "my mom loves her." I couldn't be more grateful for her. "And I love your mother." He places a plate in front of me and I start to drool at how good it smelled. When I tasted the food it had a bit of a kick to it but it made the meal all the more delicious. We end up in the hot tub after dinner and I couldn't be more happy.

"Hey Tae." He looks up from his phone and gives me his full attention. "I love you too." He smiles and pulls me too him. "I'm glad." He kisses me and my body ignites. It feels like there's fireworks inside of me. My arms wrap around his neck and he smiles. As we watch the night sky fill with stars, I think about the next AA meeting. Berlin graduates from the program finally. "Did you turn in your chip?" I turn to look at Jontavion.

"Yes. I get a new one at the next meeting. My two week mark." He smiles and I can't help but to feel proud.  "I'm glad your taking this seriously." His lips connect with the exposed skin of my shoulder and I shiver. "You cold?" I nod and he leads me upstairs. He dries me off and helps me into some shorts and a t shirt. He changes into some sweats and we crawl into bed. He places a kiss against my forehead and I smile. "I love you Jontavion." "I love you too."

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