Chapter nineteen

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When she turns around I don't waste anytime and I connect my lips with hers. I notice her hesitate and my brain starts running. She wraps her arms around me and I kinda feel better. As I pull away I can see there's something bothering her. "You okay?" She looks up at me and I can't decipher what mood she's in. I lead her over to the bed and sit her down. I sit across from her and grab the backwood I rolled before she got here.

She gladly excepts it when I hand it to her. As I watch her smoke I can't help but to replay that night in her apartment, the way her hands ran down my back and the sweet sounds that fell from her lips as I rocked into her. She passes the wood back and takes a deep breath. "For what I'm about to ask I need you to be completely honest with me." I hear her say softly. I nod and she continues, "we've been friends for almost 6 years now." I smile and nod again. "So we should know lots of stuff about each other right?" She puffs the backwood and looks up at the ceiling. "Yea I guess." I wonder what she's getting at.

"Then why didn't you tell me you were also fucking Blossom?" At her bold choice of words I choke on smoke. She waits patiently as I regain my breath. "What? Who told you that?" "It doesn't matter." She looks at me out of the corner of her eye. "Are you still fucking her?" She turns to me and I see all the vulnerability in her eyes right now. "No." I answer honestly. Some relief floods through her face but I know what I'm about to tell her might hurt her. "The day after we had sex I told her I was done." Her face drops and all hope goes flying out the window.

"Oh my god!" She covers her face. "How long was that going on?" I look away from her and feel my heart sink to my stomach. "About 7 years." The whimper is out of her before she has a chance to put on her strong front. I try to grab her but she pushes herself off the bed. She paces around the room and I can only sit there and watch. "Now I have to go to the doctor. I have to check everything." I open my mouth to say something but I decide against it. She's not talking to me at this point.

"You're disgusting." She whispers and then she flys out the door. I don't bother chasing after her, I know she won't listen to a word I say. I wait for about 15 minutes before going back downstairs. I scan the room and feel kind of disappointed when I don't see the girl I'm in love with. Why would she stay here? You hurt her asshat... my subconscious violently shouts at me. I want to frown as Katrina walks up to me but I don't. I slip on a fake smile and wrap my arm around her waist. As reporters start filling in the lobby I try to push Cuba out of my head.

By the time everyone is gone and I've answered the same question almost seven times that night, I'm exhausted. As I jump in the back of the Tahoe Katrina slowly climbs in after me. She leans her body against me and I want to recoil at her touch. It's crazy how all it took was a few months for me to start noticing things about her that I absolutely couldn't stand.

"You smell weird." Her voice draws me out of my thoughts. "What?" I look at her. "You smell like perfume Tae." "Don't call me that." She huffs and rolls her eyes. "What do now only little miss perfect can call you names?" I turnt my body to her and she flips her hair. "What does she have to do with any of this?" I question her. "I saw her run out of the studio with that little girl. She was crying and I knew that could only mean one thing." Katrina tries to hug me and I lightly push her off of me.

I don't say anything and she runs her hand up my arm. "I know you finally told her to leave you alone." She tries to whisper seductively in my ear. I roll my eyes and take a few breaths. "Katrina, she left crying because I told her the truth. I told her I've been having sex with a woman for seven years and it hurt her. And before you say anything yes I have been cheating." Her face freezes and then twists into one of anger. "You bastard." She tried to slap me but I grab her hand before she does. "Pull over." I say to the driver. He immediately pulls to the side and opens the back door. As Katrina gets out she says something along the lines of, "if nobody can have you.... you'll see." I didn't really care.

I wanted to get home so I could think about how I could get Cuba to forgive me. When I arrive at my apartment building I see her white Malibu parked next to Blossoms car. My brain tells me to go to her apartment but I stop myself. 'Give her time' I think to myself. As I wait for the elevator to reach my floor my brain is already swimming with ideas.

I unlock the door to my house and stop when I notice my bedroom light on. I haven't been here in over a week. I slowly walk to my couch and reach under it for a bat. Once my fingers wrap around the cold metal I make my way to the back. I hear shuffling and then it stops so my body goes into high alert. I push open my bedroom door and step inside. I notice my closet open a little so I look at my bed. I walk over to my bed and count to three. On three I turn and swing the bat at them. A loud 'THOINK' Resonates through my room.

The attacker falls on the floor with a groan. I hit the person in the knee for good measure and pull out my phone to call the police. They show up within a matter of minutes and put the intruder in handcuffs. When they take the mask off I realize that the attacker is one of Katrinas brothers. His eyes hold anger in them and I smirk. He thrashes against the police trying to get to me. When the detective comes over to talk to me I tell her that I would like to file a restraining order.

When all the police are gone I lock my door and fall onto my couch. My heart pangs and I can't help but to feel sad about the situation I was in. The more I thought about it the more it hurt. I look to my kitchen and curse at myself before walking over the the cabinet by the fridge. I reach into the very back and pull out a bottle of whiskey. I take the top off and take a small drink. The minute the warmth from the liquid hit I took another sip. I sat down on the floor in my kitchen and just continued to sip on the liquor.

About no less then 10 minutes later I am completely drunk and still hurting. I get up and grab my car keys off the table. I qieutly walk to the elevator and wait for it to open up. I decide it's taking to long and take the stairs. Once I'm outside the crisp autumn air hits my lungs and I feel like I can breath. I make the walk to the liquor store and back in under 15 minutes. The moment my front door closed I ripped the top off the bottle of cheap vodka I bought.

"Fuck I've missed you." I whisper to the bottle. I grab my phone and look at the time. It's around 11:45 and I decide to call a friend. The minute we hung up is when I knew I wouldn't remember what was about to happen. I grabbed the bottle and drank the liquor as if I've been in the desert for a week with no water.

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