Chapter twenty four

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The voices I herd started out as back ground noise. The more I listened the louder they got and it was making my head pound. My eyes flutter open and I'm blinded by a giant light. I lift my hand to cover my eyes and the room falls silent. I roll over to my back and instantly regret it. I cry out and before I know it there are hands on my turning me back over to my side.

"Cuba do you know where you are?" A unfamiliar voice asks me. I open my eyes and I'm met with a pair of green orbs staring back at me. "No." "You are in the hospital. You were kidnapped about five days ago." The sound of my head connecting with the table ran through my mind and I shuddered. "It's okay. You're safe here." The doctor places a hand on my shoulder. "The nurse is gonna numb your back so your able to sit up okay?" I give him a thumbs up.

I feel a small poke and then nothing. The nurse helps me sit up and I thank her. While I wait for my mom to show up I can't help but to think of Tae. I wonder if he even cared... the door slams open and my mom bustles into the room. Berlin follows behind her and I feel myself tearing up. "Mija I was so worried." My mom says. She kisses my forehead and grabs my hand. "I love you so much." I smile at her grateful that she's here. "Thank you." She wipes her eyes with a tissue.

"Hey loser." I turn to Berlin with a smile. "I missed you." She throws her arms around me. "I missed you too kid." She release me and the words just start pouring out. The three of us talk for a while and then my mom steps out to talk to the doctor. Berlin offers to get me something from the vending machine and I happily agree. Am I normal? I thought to myself. Usually people are all sad and scared after something crazy happens. I look at the mirror that was next to my bed and tilt my head.

I was covered in bruises and bandages. "I'm not sad.." I say the words aloud and notice that I don't feel weird about saying it. Berlin comes back with a payday and I greedily eat it. "Is it weird that I don't feel sad or beaten down?" She looks at me and then smiles. "You're badass you know that?" I laugh with her. "I think it's good you aren't letting this bring you down. Most people end up depressed when they do." I make more of that and continue talking to Berlin.

My mom comes back and she tells me the nurse is going to give me more meds for my back. "The doctor said the results for the material that was in your back came back. It was leather.... they beat my baby with leather." She whispers the last part to herself and I grip her shoulder. "Mom I'm fine." She looks at me and I offer her a smile. Berlin leaves the room for some reason and I start prepping for the nurse.

When the door opens it's not a nurse, Tae walks in wearing that stupid shirt I love. My mom slips out and he nervously walks over to me. "Hey." I whisper to him. He hands me a daisy and I can't help the smile that washes over my face. "Thank you." He stands there looking everywhere but me. "Tae.." he looks at me and I scoot over in the bed. He joins me and I lean against him so I wouldn't put pressure on my back. The meds were starting to run off.

"I missed you." I look at him and he's already staring at me. "I missed you too." As I look at him I can't help but to still feel hurt from at he did. "I didn't think you wanted me here." He plays with him fingers. "If I'm being honest, I didn't but I decided against it because I could use a friend." He cups my cheek and I gently push his hand down. "I'm not over what happened." He looks away and gets out of the bed. "I figured." He walks to the window. "Let me help you. Let me help you recover and win back your trust." I raise a eyebrow as he turns to me.

His eyes are swimming with emotions and I can't decipher them. "Please." He walks over to me and I look away. "I don't know.. How am I supposed to believe you after you let me befriend the girl you were screwing?" I think about his offer and while I do want to be with him I'm scared of not being able to trust him again. "That's why I'm gonna work for it. Please.." his voice holds sincerity so I give in. "Fine. But not sweet talk and no kisses." He smiles. "I can work with that."

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