Chapter ten

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I wake up the next morning alone. I take a minute to think about last night and then I start to freak out. I had sex with Jontavion last night.... After Mikey just made dinner for me. What am i going to tell Mikey? I jump in the shower and scrub myself like I've just murdered somebody.
'you don't have to tell Mikey hes not even your boyfriend.' the little voice in my head says. I have a mental conversation with myself as i finish my shower. I step out of the shower and wrap my favorite towel around me.
I walk into the kitchen and see a box with a note. 'Sorry i couldn't be here when you got up. I had a meeting.' I set the note down and opened the box. Inside is a giant tray of fruit and the middle of the tray had vanilla yogurt. I take a grape and dip it inside of the yogurt. "Mhmmm so good." i say aloud. Misty comes running from the living room and paws my foot. I give her a piece of a strawberry and she gladly accepts it. "Ill take you outside after I'm dressed okay?" I say to Misty and she barks in agreement.

I head into my room and dig through my closet for my favorite lady suit and find it behind a box of old clothes i forgot to donate. I quickly grab a bra and panties the throw on my suit. I pair it with a pair of white pumps and grab my phone. There's a text from Jontavion, 'ill tell you when my first AA meeting is.' I reply with a thumbs up then set my phone down on the counter.
"Misty. Come on girl." I say as i grab her leash from the couch. She runs around the corner at full speed and bumps into the fridge. "You need to slow down girl. You're going to hurt yourself." I clip her leash on then we walk down the strairs and out the door. I walk Misty down the block so she can do her business and as Im waiting for her to finish i notice a familiar car pull into the flower shop parking lot. I watch Mikey get out and head inside, "Whats he doing there?" I wonder aloud. Misty barks at me and we start to walk back towards my apartment. Once we are inside I make Misty's breakfast and leave her water bowl out for her while im at work. I grab a few strawberries and grapes and put them in a plastic bag. I grab my phone off the counter and  my bag before heading out the door. I slip into my car and start the drive to my new job.

As I pull up to Candylands studio i notice how many high end shops are over here. "Might do a little shopping on my break." I say before heading inside.

~~~~~~ 4 hours later~~~~~~

I walk to my car as i think about the offer Candyland made me. She wants me to be her assistant and only HER assistant for the next five years. I don't work like that, I need a open variety of artists to work with. When I was working with Jontavion i had three other artists under my wing as well. I sigh and decide to call my mom.
"Hola." she answers the phone with so much energy. "Hi mom. I need help." She asks whats wrong then tells me to meet her at Margianas,  a fancy Greek restaurant thats downtown. When i pull into the parking lot a young man wearing a vest offers to park my car. I thank him and hand him a fifty. He smiles at me and hands me my bag as he sits in my car. When my mom sees me walk in she waves me over to her table.
"What do you want to drink mija?" I look over the menu and decide to get ouzo. "Why doesn't she want you to work for anybody else?" my mom jumps straight into my issue. "She wants me to be fully invested in her and her music but theres only so much she can do with out assistance. I can't schedule every meeting or set up every studio session with a feature because I already have extra paperwork I need to fill out. I need somebody who can handle their problems without having to call me every five minutes. I love independent artists because they let me finish my actual work before jumping into crazy ideas with out consulting me." my mom nods and takes a minute to think before responding. "How long did she give you to think about the offer?" I take a sip of my drink before i respond. "That's good but um she gave me two weeks." My mom looks at me smiles.

"Two weeks is more then enough time for you to think abut what you want to do." "Yea but i don't have any other offers right now." My mom shakes her head and chastises me. "You're a brilliant music assistant. Who already works with a big artist right now at that." I smile at the mention of KC. "Im sure you can find somebody who wants to work with you." A waiter comes over and places two trays down on the table. My mom thanks him and sends him on his way all while i look at her like shes grown two heads.

"You want me to eat a octopus?" I ask in horror. She laughs at me and asks how i planned on going to Greece if i wasn't going to eat like a native. "Fine." i take a bite and to my surprise it actually tasted good. It had a smokey flavor to it and the spices were perfect. As we eat my mom tells me that shes going on vacation in the Dominican Republic for a week and im shocked. She never goes out of the country. My mom and i enjoyed our time together before i had to head home and check on Misty. "I love you mom. Have fun in the DR." I say before i drive out of the parking lot.

When walk through the front door Misty runs to me. "Hi Misty. Did you miss me?" I bend down so she can lick my face. "Come on girl. Lets go outside." I put her leash on her and we take a walk. Its so beautiful outside and the trees are changing colors. Fall is definitely my favorite time of the year because everything smells like pumpkin spice. "You know Misty. I hope you enjoy Halloween as much as me because its definitely one of the best holidays." Misty wags her tail as we wait to cross the street.
I take Misty to the little dog park around the corner from my house and let her run around for a little bit. I check my phone for any messages and feel kinda sad when I see that Jontavion hasn't texted again.

'why would he?' the voice in my head says to me. I nod because the little voice is right. Why would he text me again... I mean we did have sex last night. 'So what? No strings attached.' The voice in my head is always so sassy. The wind starts to blow and i feel my hair whipping all over the place. I don't even have to check my phone to know it's about to start storming. "Misty come on girl we don't want to get cau-" the rain starts before i even finish my sentence. I curse to myself and run to put Misty on her leash so we could get out of the rain as fast as possible.

Misty and I make it back home before the thunder and lightning started so im glad for that. I dry Misty off before going to hop in the shower so i didn't get sick. "Get ready for movie night Misty." I say before i get in the shower. I quickly wash my hair, then my body. I jump out and rush to put some pajamas on. Once im dressed I go back into the bathroom and brush my wet hair. I put some coconut oil in my hair then wrap my hair and put my bonnet on. I make Misty some chicken for dinner and i settle on take out for myself. As i wait for my food to come I choose a movie to watch.
Misty and I settle on Hocus Pocus so i make some popcorn as a snack. My food comes during the middle of the movie and i groan knowing im about to miss the good part. I quickly run to the door with my wallet and hand the delivery guy a fifty. "Keep the change." I say in a rush and close the door. I run back to the living room to see misty barking as the kids walk down the street to the witches house.

"Dammit. I missed the beginning." I think to myself as i start to eat, about how my life would have been if i never met Jontavion, never got into the music business and never bought Misty. I get sad because Misty wouldn't be there but I smile to myself at the thought of me living a semi normal life. I push it to the back of my mind, im actually glad I met Jontavoin.

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