Chapter six

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Once I make it home I head straight to the kitchen. My mom is sitting on my couch watching a telenovela. "Hey mom. How was your day?" She smiles and shrugs. "I was sick until I made some ginger soup. What about you?"

Today comes rolling back into my memory and I cringe. "I quit my job today... and I told my boss off but then I went on a date with one of his friends. I also helped KC choose a label to sign with today." When I say the part about me going on a date with Mikey I look away from my mom. She asks millions of questions anytime I mention that I went out with a boy.

"What friend mija? Was it the chubby one? He's cute." I laugh as she describes Gibbs and shake my head. "No mom, it was Mikey." She turns around so fast I'm surprised she did get whiplash. "That's so great! Where did you guys go?" I pull out my phone and show her the pictures we took at the museum and she absolutely eats it up. She wants me to be happy with a man so bad, but I just don't feel like it's necessary for me to have a boyfriend. I would like one but it's not a must.

"What do you want for dinner?" My mom asks me. I look at the clock and it's about 10:30pm. "Oh and sorry about your job mija. You'll find another one soon." I smile at my mother and decide that I'm gonna take her out for dinner tonight. "Mama, go find a dress from my closet. We are going to dinner." She jumps up and wastes no time running to my room. I laugh to myself and follow her in there. She already has my red Gucci dress in her hands with some black pumps. I dig through my closet full of clothes and finally find the dress I was looking for. It's a blue low vcut that has a slit in the leg. My mom whistles when I put the dress on. I turn around to look at her and I'm almost jealous. She looks absolutely stunning in my red dress.

It has lace detailing around the stomach so you can see through it, and the rest of the dress has the Chinese dragon on it. "Wow mom. You look badass." She flips her hair and walks into my bathroom to do her hair and makeup. As I'm slipping on some nude wrap around heels, my mind wanders to Mikey and that girl I saw him with at the park. Im really curious to who she is. I don't want to make assumptions about him because he is a good person. My moms voice interrupts my thoughts so I walk into the bathroom. "What did you say?" I plug the flat iron in and spray my hair with some heat resistant spray. "Dije donde vamos a comer?" "It's a surprise." With that I start on straightening my hair.

It's around 11 when we leave to go get dinner. I make my mom close her eyes when we are 10 minutes away. She's giddy with excitement and she can't keep her hands still. As we pull into Morton's parking lot I notice a girl who looks a lot like Katrina. "Ugh god please no more today." I whisper to myself. I tell my mom to open her eyes and she grins really big when she sees where we are. "I haven't been here since the last time your father brought me." I feel sadness ping in my heart but it quickly subsided. We both get out and I lock my car doors. Once we are inside we are immediately seated because the owner knows me.

"I think I'm going to order lobster and some corn. Also a margarita just for good measure." I smile at my mom because she literally orders the same thing every time. I take a few moments to look over the menu before ordering. I order filet mignon with a glass of red wine and a side salad. While we wait on our food, my mom and I make small talk. She tells me about this guy she started seeing and I couldn't be more happy for her. My dad died when I was 14 and it was really hard on my mom. "His name is Don and he owns several of the best tire shops across the country." I congratulate my mom then I excuse myself so I could go to the restroom.

I quickly use the bathroom and make my way across the big bathroom to wash my hands. A stall opens and Katrina walks out. I internally groan but I smile at her anyway. "You look so good." I compliment her. I may not like her but that doesn't mean I can't like the way she dresses.

She gives me a fake smile so i decide to address some things. "First, I don't want your boyfriend. I was strictly a business partner with him. Second please stop being such a bitch to everyone. Your rude and conniving but cry when others do it back. And lastly learn how to take a compliment from another woman." She stands there dumbfounded and I leave the bathroom proud of myself. I'm walking back to my table when I see someone that's not the waiter standing there. I look the person up and down and sigh. I know it's Jontavion because I'm the one who went and picked up the 2500 dollars shoes he's wearing on his feet.

"Will you please stop harassing me and my family?!" I say with annoyance. I sit down across from my mom who looks bored. I notice the waiter coming with our food so I try to make the conversation short. "What do you want?" Jontavion looks at me and says, "well I was just telling your mom about how you are such a efficient woman." I roll my eyes. The waiter makes it over with our food so I look for a way out of this conversation. I quickly grab a napkin and get to work. I pass the waiter a 50 and a note that reads, 'get him out of here and there will be more where that came from.' He quickly nods and taps Jontavion on the shoulder. "Follow me sir."

With Jontavion finally gone my mom and I can enjoy ourselves. We drink more than we eat but that's okay. My mom is a little drunk by the time we leave so I offer to drive us home. I ask a waiter for two to go boxes. On the way out of the restaurant I made sure to tip the waiter that made Jontavion leave with a hundred dollar bill.

As I'm at a stop light my phone lights up with a text. It's from Mikey and he asked me how I'm feeling. 'Considering it's 1:30 am, pretty awake.🤷🏽‍♀️' I text Mikey back and quickly lock my phone so I can focus on driving. I make it home without any accidents and I thank god for that. I help my mom upstairs and to the couch. I head into my room and flop on my bed.  Mikeys name pops up on my screen with another message so I decide to just leave him on read for the night. My mind is all over the place. 'Me too..' was all the text said. I exited my texts and threw my phone. I cover my face with a pillow and scream. I hate the way my life is playing out right now. So much for stability.

The more I try to fight and push him away the more he just shows up and tries to woo me. He doesn't even like me, he's just drunk. I really wanna focus on what me and Mikey have going on but Jontavion is always on my mind. Maybe I just need to get away for a while... I take off my shoes and my dress. I crawl under the covers and lay there for what feels like forever before finally falling asleep.

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