Time after Time

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Rarity's POV
Applejack is so patient, I don't know how she does it. She's listened to me ramble on about fashion for ages.
"So Applejack dear, how's life on the farm going?"
"It's goin' good, same old stuff, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't love every second of it."
I don't get the farm life, it's dirty and uncouth, but it also posses a sort of charm. Now not every farm or farmer has this charm, but Applejack does. I noticed it long ago, and I realize it more and more every day. When I see Applejack working in the field. Hauling buckets and carts of apples. The sweat gleaming on her forehead and her muscles working hard, it's quite a beautiful sight actually. It's what I adore about Applejack. She isn't your traditional gorgeous front-cover-of-a-magazine type of girl. She's rough and dirty, but it suits her. It's just such an incredible look that I can't seem to get enough of. And her adorable accent makes it even more incredible. She's just honestly the most interesting and amazing person I've ever-
"Oh my, look at the time, we better open the ciders!"

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