Who You Gonna Call?

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Applejack's POV:
It was almost bed time. I'd tucked Applebloom in, (even though she thinks she can do it on her own, ha, she sure is cute), and wished everyone a good night. I'd slipped on ma pj's and got ready to undo my hair. I took a good look at it though. Rarity was right, it does look pretty dandy all done up. But ain't my style.
What am I doin' admirin' myself in the mirror? I ain't Rarity! Besides it's getting late and tomorrow is gonna be another busy day. So I undo my hair and hop into bed.
-time skip to when Rarity calls-
Who in tarnation is callin' this late at night?
I roll over in ma bed and pick up ma phone from the nightstand.
"Howdy Rarity. Why'd ya call?"
"Oh thank gosh you picked up," she said soundin' panicked as ever. "I really need you to be a dear and pick me up, if it wouldn't be a bother."
"Not at all," I say. "Where are ya?"
"I-I- I'm not quite sure," she stammered. "Give me a minute and I'll text you the address."
"I'll start up ma truck, see ya soon."
I hopped outta bed, threw on ma hat and didn't even bother to change or put on shoes before I was out the door.
I felt a vibration from ma phone. Rarity texted her address. And with that I speeded outta there to pick her up ASAP. She sounded so scared and I just can't bare the thought of her being stuck in some awful place. What if there was dirt. She won't even touch dirt unless it's imported. I better get there fast.

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