The Art Of Getting Ready

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Rarity's POV:
I already knew what I was going to wear, so getting ready was a breeze. I showered, fixed up my hair and touched up my makeup. Then it was time for the piece de resistance, the dress.
I entered my dream dressing room that Applejack made for me during the summer. It is absolutely splendid. She did an incredible job. Anyways, on to the outfit.
Since the party was Last Day Of Summer themed, I knew a light and breezy outfit would be perfect. I tied my hair and replaced my usual gem stone hair piece for one with some gold diamonds. I changed my normal gold bracelets for diamond incrusted ones, and for the finale I put on my blue to purple gradient dress.
I twirled around and admired how it spun in the mirror. It really is lovely.
But no matter how gorgeous I may be looking, I've been awfully distracted all day. I just can't seem to stop thinking about Applejack. That moment before I left in room, the tension, the heat, it was something I'd never experienced before. But I need to stop thinking about it. I'm going to a party tonight and I'm gonna enjoy myself and that's final.

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