Back To School

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Applejack's POV:
I was walkin' down the hall with Rainbow. I saw posters all 'round for the Fall Formal.
"Have you gotten your ticket yet?" Rainbow asked.
"Yup, how 'bout ya?"
"Of course, who hasn't?"
I nodded ma agreement.
"Let's just hope it's more chill than last year," I add.
"Agreed," Rainbow said. "I actually wanna enjoy myself for once without being attacked by Equestrian magic."
Then I looked over and saw Sunset at her locker.
"I just hope Sunset takes it ok," I say. Rainbow nods.
"Hey Sunset," she said.
"Hey there, you guys ready for the Fall Formal. I'm actually pumped for once. I'm not running for the crown this time and it's such a relief."
"Yea," Rainbow said. "Isn't Rarity running this year?"
"She sure is," I say.
Rarity is runnin' at last this year. She's always wanted to, and now without Sunset there to ruin it she's finally doin' it. And I just know she's gonna win. She's made for this.
"Anyways," Rainbow said breakin' ma train of though. "We better get to class, don't wanna be late."
We all agreed and then left.

-time skip to lunch-

Rarity's POV:
And presto! There they are, all my beautiful posters. With myself as my campaign manager, there's no way I'll lose!
My posters are stunning, just stunning. With a gorgeous picture of me dolled up in my last year's fall formal attire and large letter saying VOTE RARITY. It's just missing one thing. Hmmh... I know, glitter!
-time skip half and hour-
There we go. Just some glue, glitter and half an hour and all 100 of my posters are ready. Now, where's Pinkie, she said she'd be here by now to help me put up the posters.
"I'm HERE!"
"Finally," I sighed. "Here, you hang up these 50 and I'll deal with the rest."
"Okie dokie lokie."
And she took the 50 posters and speed off. I knew she'd be a perfect fit for the task!
-time skip to after school-
"Hello ladies," I say as I walk up to my friends who were standing near the portal. "So I wondering if any of you would like me to sew you a dress for the fall formal! Don't even answer, I'm making some. I have so many brilliant ideas!"
"Um..." said Sunset. I really don't know what's wrong. Did I say something?
"It's just that we were gonna play..."
"And," Rainbow jumped in. "You know what happens when we play..."
"Our outfits change and become super duper cool and awesome!" screamed Pinkie.
"I suppose you are right," I say.
"Besides," Applejack said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "You're gonna be pretty busy with your campaign and we wouldn't want to get in your way." She smiled warmly at me.
"Oh well then, I guess I'll just make one for myself and it's gonna be marvellous," my eyes gleamed with the thought of what was sure to be my most incredible creation to date. "So don't say I didn't warn you."
"Well we've been warned," said Rainbow with a chuckle.
"My, my, look at the time," I say glancing at my phone. "I'd better get going to work on my dress. Toodle loo," I said with a little wave as I left.
"See ya tomorrow," I heard Applejack yell out. I could also hear Rainbow and Sunset telling bye and Pinkie screaming about how I was gonna win. They really are the best friends a girl could wish for.

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