Now what?

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Rarity's POV:
It's a new day, a new me, and a fabulous new outfit. And now that I'm dressed to impress, I'm ready to take on the day!

-time skip to school starting-

I was standing around the portal, and talking with Sunset. She couldn't stop talking about how excited she is to finally have a fall formal where she isn't hated and what not. And I'm happy for her, I'm just not happy for me. I've never felt so alone before. And as if this day couldn't get any worse, I see Applejack walking up to school, with who I can only assume is Johnathan.
"Howdy y'all," said Applejack cheerfully. And I couldn't help but noticed that her and Johnathan were linking arms like they did yesterday. But I put my acting skills to use to pretend I wasn't dying inside.
"I'd like y'all to meet Johnathan, my date to the fall formal."
Everyone greeted Johnathan nicely and so did I, but I couldn't help but notice that no one seemed to have heard of Johnathan or even Applejack having a date before, like she only told me...
"So you're Rarity," Johnathan said once he had met everyone. "I've heard so much about you."
"Really?" Applejack talks about me?!
"Yup, Applejack tells me that ya have the best sense of fashion and that you're runnin' for the crown."
"That is true."
"Yup," said Applejack walking over and putting an arm around Johnathan. "And I know you're gonna win it!"
I blushed. "Well, there is some pretty good competition, but I'm hopeful."
*ring ring*
"Well I better get going," I say as dash away. I wanted out of there ASAP. I am really happy for Applejack though, because she seems very pleased. I just wish we could've been happy together...

Applejack'S POV:
"So how'd ya like Rarity?" I ask Johnathan.
"She seems like a fine girl, and I'm glad ya have such great friends here."
"Well I sure am glad y'all are gettin' along," I say as we begin to part ways for our classes. "I'll see ya after school."
"See ya then."
As I took my seat in class, I couldn't help but be quite pleased with ma self. My friends and ma potential boy friend our gettin' along so well. And Rarity took the news very well. She always does things with grace and beauty, I just wasn't sure how she'd feel after all that went down between us. But she's doin' just fine, and I couldn't be happier!

Rarijack: Just FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now