The Fall Formal

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Applejack's POV:
Oh, I usually don't get super super excited, but boy, I cannot wait for the fall formal. First we are all heading off to Rarity's though to get ready. She insisted that we all look our very best. I know most of the girls, including me, didn't wanna spend more money on dresses, so we are just using what we wore last year. Rarity did make Sunset a new dress though, and Twilight loves Princess Twilight's dress so much, that Rarity let her keep it. I also think Rarity made herself a new dress, cuz of course she did. Anyways, it's gonna be one heck of a night.

Rarity's POV:
"Oh, hello Applejack," I say with a smile and a wave now that she's finally arrived.
"Howdy! Sorry that I'm late, I got a bit caught up on the farm."
"Oh, it's no biggie," I say, shoving her dress into her hands and changing her hats. "It's better late than never," I finish, as I push her into one of my change room's.
"Oh, Sunset, that dress is just simply magnificent!" I exclaim, as I take a nice look at my handy work. The tight red top with lacy sleeves, and the knee length orange to yellow silky skirt suits her perfectly.
"Thanks," Sunset replied. "It sure is a step up from what I wore last year."
I nod. "And here," I say, handing her a gorgeous pair of black boots. "They finish it off perfectly!"
"Thanks Rarity," she said, bringing me in for a hug.
"I'm always happy to help. Now Twilight, you should really wear your hair down," I say while fixing it for her. "Now, for the piece de resistance!" I carefully place her star hair clip in her bangs. "Perfect!"
She looks backs in forth in the mirror and then gives me a smile. She loves it!

Applejack's POV:
Rarity always gets it right. Even though it's the same dress as last year, it's still something real special.
I guess I must've gotten distracted by the lovely dress, cuz I heard Rarity yellin' at me.
"Applejack! Applejack! Are you done in there?"
"Yea," I say as I step out. "Sorry 'bout that."
She stared at me for a moment, and then says, "No problem at all. The dress looks lovely by the way."
"Well you designed it!"
Rarity has been changin' for a while. She did hail that big dress in there though, I suppose it makes sense.
"Applejack, darling, can you be a dear and help me with my dress?"
"Yup," I say, walkin' in to help her.
She almost had it all on, but was strugglin' with the zipper. She gestured back to it.
"Do you mind?"
"Not at all." I zip up her dress, and my, she looked magnificent.
"Come on, lets go out," she said linkin' arms with me. I gather ma self together and walked out with her. She then let go of my arm and stood there.
Everyone's jaws dropped. She was absolutely stunnin'. Even though her hair and makeup was how she styled them on the daily, the dress was a whole mother. It was what she wore at the fall formal last year, but longer and bigger. It went all the way down to the ground.
"I decided since you were all wearing the same things you wore last year, I'd do something similar, but just more," Rarity said proudly.
"How are you gonna walk in that?" asked Rainbow who started to laugh 'till she realized every one was givin' her a nasty look. "But it does look really awesome."
Rarity smiled. "Now I just have to touch up my hair and makeup and then I'll help anyone who needs."
I'd definitely need her help. Honestly, sometimes I don't know what I'd do without Rarity.

Rarity's POV:
Perfect! I have the perfect hair and visage to match my stunning outfit. Now, who shall I help next. Aha!
"Applejack! Come let me do your makeup! I promise it won't be like last year."
"Well ok then. But just remember..."
"Nothing too fancy," we said in unison and then burst our giggling.
I stayed true to my word. I just added a touch of powder, I slight sweep of blush and some mascara and it looked magnificent. Oh, Applejack looked so gorgeous. Johnathan is one lucky guy.

-time skip to the end of them getting ready-

Everyone looks splendid, and just in time. Our, (well technically their dates), had arrived in a limo outside my place. They all walked out looking very dapper in their suits. Even Johnathan, who was pretty rough around the edges, had combed back his messy brown hair. And when he saw Applejack, his big brown eyes just grew with amazement. Sigh, anyways, I noticed some people who I didn't realize were coming. I saw Sandalwood, Microchips and some guy who I recognized from the baseball team.
"What are they doing here?" I asked.
"Oh," replied Rainbow dismissively. "Their are dates." She gestured to her Fluttershy and Pinkie. I was shocked. Now I'm the only one without a date. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is the worst.
"Yea!" yelled Pinkie. "Microchips was sad because he didn't have a date, so I was like, I'LL BE YOUR DATE!"
Fluttershy nodded, "Yes, Sandalwood said he loved how good I was with animals, he was just a bit nervous to ask me out, so it took a while."
I gulped.
"And I asked my own date out," Rainbow stayed proudly. "He was just so skilled, and pretty cute, so I just had to!"
And before I could even open my mouth to say anything, every one was going with there dates.
Twilight and Timber Spruce blushed as they held hands.
Sunset and Flash hugged and then linked arms.
Fluttershy and Sandalwood stood close together while blushing.
Rainbow and her date high fived and then linked arms.
Pinkie gave Microchips a big hug and then held his hand as he blushed.
And then there was Applejack. Her and Johnathan hugged for a long while and then linked arms. This is depressing. I wish it could've been more like last fall formal, where we all went together. It was all about friendship and helping Twilight win the crown. This is just dreadful.
After a painfully long limo ride, we arrived at school. Everyone went in with their dates, leaving me alone.
"Hey Rarity," said Applejack rather nervously. "Are ya ok?"
"Of course I am darling."
"Ok, because if you wanted to ya could always hang with Johnathan and I, since ya know, ya don't have a date."
Pity was the last thing I needed.
"No," I snapped back rather rudely. "I'm fine." And with that I walked off, being careful not to trip over my dress.

Applejack's POV:
I know Rarity is hurtin'. She may think she's good at hidin' it, but she ain't. I know it sucks for her cuz any of us would assume she'd be the first to get a date. I mean, heck, last year so many guys were askin' her out, but she declined them all for us. And now she's alone, after donatin' all her time to make sure we all looked our very be St, she's alone.
"Is she ok," Johnathan asked, walkin' over to me."
"I don't think so. She's all alone tonight, but I know she won't wanna feel like she's intruding on anyone else's date."
"Maybe we should find her a date. There has to be someone who is lonely and can make her happy for the night."
"I'm sure she'll be fine AJ, plus she has her who campaign thing and stuff, so she won't be bored."
"But it's not the same..."
"Come on, lets just go and enjoy our selves tonight." He grabbed me hand in his and I nodded. Then we walked inside. And I sure will try an' enjoy ma self, but I know I can't fully do that knowin' Rarity is upset.

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