The Best Or Worst Night Ever

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Rarity POV:
My heart is running a mile a minute as Principal Celestia removes the slip of paper from the envelope.
"Rarity!" she yelled.
My heart literally stopped for a second as I was flooded with feelings of joy and happiness. All my incredible friends patted me on the back and pushed me forward as the crowd made way. This was it, this was my moment.

Applejack's POV:
She did it! She did it! I knew it all along! Oh, I'm so happy for her!
Rarity looked like a million bits as she stood on the stage and had the crown placed on her head. I don't know much 'bout fashion, but the crown sure went with her, or well, Fluttershy's, dress.
It was a gold tiara with rhinestones that looked like her signature blue diamonds. And the stones glistened like her eyes.
Principal Celestia ushered her forward to the mic to say a few words.
"Ahem," Rarity said, and everyone looked forward. "I don't really know what to say except, thank you! Thank you all! But I'd like to especially thank my friends who were there for me no matter what. They never stopped believing in me and I know they'll be there for me until the end." She smiled over at us and I felt ma eyes begininn' to tear up. This really was the best night ever.

Rarity's POV:
We all stood in front of the school chatting, while awaiting our limo.
"Oh, thank you all!" I beamed. "You really are the best friends any girl could hope for."
They collectively awed and I was pulled into the middle of a group hug.
After that we continued to chat as many people came up and congratulated me. Then Johnathan walked over to me.
"So..." he said rather awkwardly, before placing a strong hand on my shoulder. "I guess you aren't a complete mess up."
Oh my! I can't believe he'd have the nerve to say that! But I'm a lady so I must keep calm.
"No, I'm not," I reply, as I remove his hand from my shoulder and back away.
"Walk with me," he demanded.
"What for?"
"Just do it."
He threw his arm around my shoulders and walked with me. No one seemed to noticed or think anything of it.
"So," he says with a cruel tone. "I see you and Applejack are very... close."
"Yes, she's my best friend and I've known her since-"
"But you seem to be almost closer than...uh.... friends..."
I didn't know what to say. Yes, Applejack and I had a bit of a history, but she was with Johnathan now and I'm fine with that. I just want her to b happy.
"Whatever we had, it's in the past."
Johnathan spun me around and pushed me against a wall.
"Yea?" he asked condescendingly.
"Yea," I heard a voice say.
While Johnathan was stunned by this person's appearance, I broke free of his grasp. I turned and saw it was Applejack who said that.
"Applejack?" I ask.
"That's right," she said, approaching Johnathan. "Ma friends and I are a package. Ya take all of us or none of us."
She stood their fuming with anger, in front of a scared looking Johnathan. I can't lie, she looked kinda hot.
"Fine," said Johnathan, while he backed away, attempting to keep composed. "I'll just be on my way then."
"Ya better be!" said Applejack sternly as he walked away.
I can't believe she did all that for me. I feel so honoured.
"Thank you," I say while blushing.

Applejack's POV:
Aw, Rarity is so cute when she blushes.
"It was nothin'," I say.
Then she pulled me in for a huge hug and planted a kiss on my cheek.
"Look, the limo is here," she said, grabbing my hand and taking me with her.

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