And the crown goes to...

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Applejack's POV:
"Rainbow, make a distraction,"
I whisper.
I saw Principal Celestia strugglin' with the envelope.
"Hey!" yelled Rainbow. "Just before this is announced..."
She trailed off and her and the others started mumblin! things as I grabbed Fluttershy and Rarity and took them to the bathroom.
"Darling, what are you doing?!" asked Rarity. "They are about to announce the winner!"
"Rainbow is gonna stall them, and we're gonna fix you up."
"Um, I'm I needed here," asked Fluttershy."
"Ok," I say. "We need to dress. I thought it suited Rarity best and ya were near by, so I brought ya with us."
Rarity's almost angry expression turned warm. "Oh, would you let me wear your dress darling," she begged.
"Well, if it'd make you happy."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rarity yelled as she was 'bout to go in for a hug, but then retracted. "On second thought, I don't want to ruin that dress as well."

Rarity's POV:
Applejack is absolutely brilliant. Sure, it's not as glamorous as I wanted, but it's a huge step up from before. I just hope she has something for my dreadful hair and makeup.
"Ta da!" I say, as I step out. I was wearing Fluttershy's beautiful breezy dress, which went quite nicely with my shiny blue heels. But then I saw Fluttershy.
Even though she looked happy, she was wearing my mess of a dress. And no matter of amazed Applejack looked staring at me, I couldn't shake that guilt off.
"It looks perfect!" said Applejack.
"It really does," replied Fluttershy.
"Oh, I feel just awful though. That dress is a disaster."
"It really isn't a big deal. Besides, you're have to look your best when you accept that crown."
"And ya do look ya best," smiled Applejack.
I walked over and squeezed Applejack. She's so amazing.
"And I would hug you to dear," I say to Fluttershy, "but, uh..." I eye her awful ensemble.
"Anyways," interrupted Applejack. "Let's fix your hair and makeup. I don't know how long Rainbow will be able to keep stallin'."
She handed me an oddly familiar bag of makeup and a hair brush.
"I-is that my stuff?"
"Yep! I know ya always keep extra stuff in there, and ya had also told me ya locker code before. So I guess it was just pretty lucky that I remember," she finished with a bit of a blush.
She knows me very well, I thought as I took my stuff and re-did my hair and visage.

Applejack's POV:
Rarity worked with such incredible speed. I was shocked. Within a matter of minutes it looked like nothing had happened to her.
"Ya look amazin'," I say as she blushes and Fluttershy nods.
"Thank you darling," she replies and I can't help but blush back.
"Now," I say takin' her hand. "We should get back. I don't know how long Rainbow can stall for."
She nods and her, Fluttershy and I run as fast as we can in heels, back to the dance.
As we hurry in, Rainbow sees me and I give her the all clear to let the show go on.
"And that's about it..." said Rainbow awkwardly.
Principal Celestia was looking rather stern, but relieved that Rainbow was done.
"And now the winner is..."

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