This Is Forever

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Rarity's POV:
Oh my, what a night. I walk out of my bed and look in the mirror. My hair is a disaster. I fix myself up and get ready as I recount the events from last night.
The limo ride was rather quiet. We were all very tired and spent the time just enjoying each other's company.
Applejack and I sat next to each other. We didn't say a word, but we were both feeling closer than ever. It was kinda magical. So magical that I think I'd better text Applejack. Maybe some things are worth risking at the chance or something even more amazing.

Applejack's POV:
When I got Rarity's text I raced over to her place right away. Ma heart was racin' a mile a minute, but I didn't care. Then she opened the door and ma heart skipped a beat.
Even after a long night she still looked wonderful. Her purple hair was groomed perfectly and she was dressed up as cutesy as always. I on the other hand knew I still had some knots in ma hair.
"Darling!" she said happily. "Come in!"
I walked in and she embraced me in the biggest hug ever. I felt warm and happy in her arms. I never wanted this to end.
"Come sit down," she said, leadin' me to her room and onto her bed.
"I was just thinking..." she started saying, but I couldn't hold back any longer. I pulled her in and kissed her.
After a few seconds she broke it off. Her hand drifted to ma waists and her other hand cradled my chin.
"You read my mind," she said. Rarity then pulled me in for another kiss and it was amazing.

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