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Applejack's POV:
Granny Smith was readin' some book in her chair as Big Mac, Applebloom and I stomped 'round making some applesauce. It ain't anything fun or pretty, but it's work and it has to be done.
I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout Rarity though. She was on my mind more than usual lately. I don't even know what happened in my room this mornin'. It was like nothin' I'd ever felt before, it was-
"Applejack, keep on stompin' like your siblin's!" Granny Smith screamed.
"Sorry Granny!" I yelled back as I got back to stomping.
It sure was strange though. But Rarity is one of those fancy folks. She don't have much time for people like me. But then again, she makes time every month to hang with me. I just-

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