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Applejack's POV:

-time skip to the end of the school day-

"Hey, AJ, wait up," a familiar voice called. They had a slight southern accent similar to mine, that I recognized from ma childhood.
I spun 'round and saw him standin' there.
"Johnathan," I gasped. "Since when did ya go to CHS?" I asked, puttin' a hand in math hip.
"I just transferred here," he replied.
Then I brought him in for a tight squeeze. "It's been so long," I say, as we hugged.
"I know," he said, pullin' back from our long hug. "And I'd heard that ya go here, and I just knew I had to see ya."
"But what 'bout ya farm?"
"See," he said rather nervously. "Ma family ran into some bad luck and we had to give up our farm and move into a smaller place here."
"Oh, I'm so sorry Johnathan. That's musta been real difficult for you and your family."
"It was, but we'll get through it," he sighed. "Anyways, I heard there's this whole fall formal thing and I was wonderin' if ya wanna come with me, if someone else ain't already takin' ya."
"Of course I'll go with ya," I say puttin' ma arm 'round him. "Your gonna have a blast."
"I'm sure I will."
"Anyways, I gotta get to the farm and do ma chores. Ya should come though, I know the family would love to see ya."
"Sounds great," he said, and we linked arms and left the school. I sure missed Johnathan though, he was always sorta ma secret crush, but I just never thought I'd end up seein' him again. I guess it was just some weird fate or somethin'.

Rarity POV:
Oh. My. GOSH! What have I just witnessed. How come I've never heard of this Johnathan until today. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is by far the worst! Now all my friends have plan expect for me!
I couldn't be here a second longer. I ran off home as fast as I could, (which is pretty hard to do in heels), and when I got home I flunked on my bed and just started crying. I couldn't help it. Everything is a disaster!
After what felt like endless hours and crying my mascara out and lying around dramatically on my fainting couch, I got a text from Applejack. Excitedly, I opened it.
Applejack- Rarity, I got some great news!
Rarity- What is it?
I could bet all my bits that it was about this new date of hers, but I wasn't get to let her know I had been spying.
Applejack- Well, I got a date to the fall formal!!!
Rarity- Oh! Who is it?
Applejack- My childhood friend Johnathan.
Rarity- Oh I've never heard of him before.
This is getting juicy.
Applejack- Well he was always kinda my secret crush but I just never rly talked about him.
Rarity- Why not?
Applejack- I just guess it never really came up.
I don't really know what to say now, oh wait, Applejack is typing.
Applejack- Do u have a date yet?
Rarity- No I don't.
Oh gosh, I must sound so pathetic.
Rarity- But I don't need a date I'm going to enjoy myself much more on my own with my crown.
Applejack- If u say so.
Sigh, Applejack probably thinks I'm the saddest loser to ever live.
Applejack- Anyways I'll see u tmrw. Bye!
Rarity- Bye.

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