On The Dance Floor

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Rarity's POV:
At least I can dance to feel less lonely. Sure it's rather difficult to dance in this dress, but I'm managing. It's still better than when Applejack, Johnathan and Applebloom line danced together. Or Mircochips and Pinkie drinking ALL THE PUNCH TOGETHER. And Twilight couldn't stop flirting and slow dancing with Timber Spruce to EVERY SONG. Or Fluttershy and Sandalwood ditching together. And then there's Rainbow, who has the whole baseball team cheering her and her date on. And Sunset can't stop making out with Flash!
Ok! I'm jealous, but I thought my friends would at least be here for me tonight! But I'm dancing with myself.

-time skip a few songs later-

Despite the countless people bumping into my dress, the music is great and I'm feeling it. Besides, our performance is very soon. It's right before the winner of the fall formal Princess is announced! Oh I'm so excited and, what?!
I—is t-t-that, Applejack and Johnathan making out! Oh I think I'm gonna faint.
"Ahhh!" I screamed as someone bumped into me a little too hard. I was falling face first for the food and drink table. My dress will be ruined and very one is here to see me fall horribly. Oh all the worst thing that- huh?
I was caught right before my face hit some cupcakes. Whoever caught me pulled me up and turned me around. Applejack?
"That was a close one," she said. I looked around and I could see everyone staring.
"Y-yeah, it was," I say, feeling extremely embarrassed.
"Hey," said Applejack, before I could walk away to go cry in the bathroom or something. "I know ya haven't really had anyone to hang out with tonight, but maybe ya wanna have one dance with me before we have to go on and perform."
"But the last song is always a slow song, should you be with J-"
"Nah, he'll be fine."
"In that case, I'd love to," I reply happily. I can see that Johnathan is looking shocked and angry from the corner and he looked like he was going to come over and say something for a second, but he didn't.
Applejack put her hand around my waist and placed a hand on her shoulder. We held our other hands and she led me. It was the best dance of my life.
Eventually the song ended it was time to go and prepare for our performance. Applejack and I linked arms as she took me backstage.
"Are you all ready!?" yelled Rainbow.
"Yup!" said Applejack, as we all nodded.
"I'm super duper ready," screamed Pinkie.
"Then let's go up there and show that crowd how to rock!" Rainbow said as we all got our instruments and went on stage.

Applejack's POV:
I know I shouldn't have ditched Johnathan like that, but Rarity is ma best friend and I spent the whole night with him. Plus, he can't be that upset. It was one dance, that's all. Anyways, Rainbow is givin' Pinkie that look to start us up, so it's time to play some music! Woo boo!
Everythin' went great as always. We all ponied up and the crowd loved every second of it! But now it's time for the accountant of the fall formal Princess. Oh I'm so excited. Rarity is totally gonna win this!

Rarity's POV:
My heart was racing a mile a minute. I'd never felt so insanely nervous b4, not even when performing on stage. But after all that's happened, I want nothing more than to win this thing and-
Not again.
This time no one even seemed to notice I fell. And my dress was ruined. In fact, everything was ruined!
"Rarity, what happened?" Applejack whispered in the quiet room as Principal Celestia walked on stage.
"I-I-I" I start to cry into Applejack's shoulder.
There was frosting in my hair, punch in my bra, ketchup on my dress and mustard on my arms. And to top it off now my mascara was definitely running and my hair is a total mess. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is by far the worst.

Applejack POV:
"Attention students," Principal Celestia says into the mic.
This is a disaster though. Rarity is a total mess and now she's cryin', and all I can do is comfort her. There needs to be a way to fix this.
"And now..."
Vice Principal Luna walks over with a box containin' the crown.
"The moment you've all been waiting for..."
I remove a cupcake from Rarity's dress.
"The winner of the this years fall formal crown is..."
She opens an envelope, and ah ha! I know what we can do.

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