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Applejack's POV

Rarity sure was right, it was beginnin' to get dark out. So I swung open the fridge and got two bottles of cider out. I handed Rarity her bottle.
"Thank you darling," she said kindly. Her voice has such a sweet flow.
With one swift motion I hit the top of my bottle against the counter and popped the cap right off. I then glanced over, and as no surprise Rarity was strugglin' to do the same. She's adorable.
I reached my hand out and smiled warmly at her. She flushed a vibrant red as she handed the cider over to me to open.
"Thanks," she said, still blushin', as I handed her her cider back.
"Cheers," I said, extending my drink.
"Cheers," she replied, "to keeping this incredible tradition with my best friend alive for so very long." Our bottles clanged, and I couldn't help but blush just a little at what she said as I took a swing of cider.

Rarity's POV
Applejack didn't bother acting like a lady. She just chugged her cider down. I on the other hand took lady like sips. I couldn't help but smile though, as Applejack messily wiped a drop of cider from her chin. She didn't even dab it, or use a napkin. She just went for it with the back of her hand. Normally this would disgust me, but it's Applejack, and she does it in such a way that I can't help but to admire it, just a little. She has an unseen grace and beauty, and I don't think even she sees it.
"You're still not down," Applejack chuckled in her cute southern accent. I think she could see she startled me from my train of thought because she looked a bit concerned for a spilt second.
"I'm taking my time," I said. "I can see that you clearly didn't do the same." I gestured to her empty bottle.
"Nope," she laughed, "besides, it getting dark out and it looks like it's gonna be a clear night."
I looked up at the sky. The sun was setting, creating a stunning display of colours across the sky. Then I did something that shocked me. I chugged my beverage. It was so unladylike and I was disgusted in myself. Had I just lost all my grace and dignity in 5 seconds flat. I then couldn't help but turn a vibrant red as I looked over at Applejack. She looked just as stunned as me, her jaw even hind open a bit. Then she shut her mouth and let out a giggle.
"Someone was thirsty," she laughed as she took my empty bottle and disposed of it.
I gathered myself together then replied, "I-I, I can't believe I just did that." I almost chocked on my words.
Applejack put her arm around my shoulders. It felt comforting. I think she could tell I was shaken and grossed out by what I'd done.
"It's no big deal," she said, "besides, now we can view the sunset, how great will that be?"
I still felt embarrassed. I know it's not unusual for Applejack to do something of that sorts, but for me it was unthinkable. I don't even know why I did it, it was just some insane impulse. Applejack must think I'm some sort of slob. But I knew I had to give her some kind of a sign that'd I'd heard her before she really thought I was losing it, so I gave a little nod.
Suddenly I felt a napkin on my chin, a legitimate napkin. I didn't even realize they had napkins here. Never mind, I was right the first time, it's just a dish cloth, but it's better than the back of someone's hand I suppose. Applejack was wiping my chin. She had turned me to face her and I guess there must of been some cider on my chin that I hadn't even noticed. How humiliating. Then Applejack looked up into my eyes, as she set the rag aside. Her eyes were kind, but also a tiny bit worried. I couldn't hold her gaze, so I looked down. I don't even know why I'd made such a big deal out of this whole thing. Maybe everyone was right, maybe I am a drama queen.

Applejack's POV
I don't know why Rarity was so upset over this. She couldn't even look me in the eye. I do this stuff all the time and no one makes a fuss. But I guess it's different for a beauty queen like her.
I look down at her. I swear her eyes were starting to glisten with tears. At this rate we ain't gonna make it to see the sunset, but Rarity is more important than some stupid colours in the sky that come every night. I still don't know how to approach the situation though. I think I should just go for the fail proof method that has never hurt anyone, at least as far as I know.
I pull her in for a hug. I wrap my arm around her waist and use my other hand to cradle her head into my neck. For a second she just hangs there limply, then she hugs back. She wraps her arms around me and her body begin to shake.
"It's ok," I whisper gently, "So you chugged some cider, no big deal. Now let's go out and look at the stars. It's one heck of a nice night out there."
She pulls away, and still without making eye contact with me nods. I can see some mascara is smudged round her eyes, so I grab a towel and wipe it up. I noticed she left a bit of it on the top of my collar, but I couldn't care less. I smiled at Rarity who meets my glance for a second and I lead her outside.

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