Will you be my date?

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Rarity's POV:
I saw Twilight walking up to our table in the cafeteria. She took a seat across from Applejack, who was sitting next to me. Anyways, she was looking particularly giddy.
"Someone's walking into air," I say.
Twilight sigh. "Yes, because guess who just asked to take me to the fall formal?"
"Who!?" screamed Pinkie. "WHO!? Who!? WHOOOOO!?"
"Timber Spruce!"
We all exploded in OOH's and AHHH's.
"Actually," said Sunset, nervously rubbing the back of her neck. "I have a date too."
"Ooooh," marvelled Pinkie. "Who is it? Who!? WHO!? WHOOOOOOO!?"
"Ummmm...well...it's Flash."
"Flash Sentry!?" asked Rainbow.
"That's wonderful," said Fluttershy. "I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks," said Sunset. "I'm just a little nervous. We used to date in the past, and I just want things to go better than that."
"Don't worry," said Applejack. "It's gonna be just fine."
"I agree," I say. "You've changed."
"Big time," said Pinkie.
"You guys are right," Sunset said, sounding relieved. "This times things are gonna be different."
"Anyways," Rainbow Dash said, changing the subject. "Fluttershy and I are going together because we are too cool for dates. Having no dates is like 20% cooler."
"If you say so," said Sunset. "How about you Pinkie, do you have a date?"
"Nope! I'm just gonna hang out with all my friends and PARTY! WOAH!"
"I'm down for that," Applejack said. "I don't have a date either."
Hmmmh, I never thought much about it before, but the dance would be the perfect time to get a date. It'd be the perfect accessory. But who, is the real question here. I could chose almost any guy I want, or maybe even a girl. I knew Applejack is free, and I adore going even as friends with her. But this isn't a question of who I WANT to go with, it's who will help the most with my campaign. Or I could represent all the wallflowers and go dateless. That would surely win me a few extra votes. But then again, that's Wallflower Blush's thing. Sigh, this is harder than I expected...

Applejack's POV:
"Rarity, hello, Rarity?" I say while waving my hand in front of her face. I then grab her shoulder and gently shake her. "Rarity."
"Huh?" she said, startled.
"There ya are," I say, putting ma arm 'round her. "Ya were completely zoned out."
"I was?"
"Ya sure were."
"Huh?" she said, sounding very perplexed.
"What was on your mind?" asked Sunset.
"Uh... nothing, nothing at all."
"Ok then," Sunset replied, not sounding convinced. None of us were really convinced though. It was just so unlike Rarity to completely zone out like that, unless she's readin' one of her fancy fashion magazines. Oh well, I'm sure it was nothin', she's probably just stressed 'bout this whole fall formal crown thing.
"Maybe we should go over our plans for the fall formal?" suggested Twilight. None of us were gettin' what she was tryna say. "The ones for the band?!"
"Oh," we all collectively say.
"And while we are at it," Twilight continued. "If we are gonna meet up before the dance and get ready together or not, all that stuff."
And that's what we did the rest of the lunch break. We discussed our plans till it was time to head to class.

Rarity's POV:
I must get a date! It is my mission and I shall not fail. But who shall I choose.
Bulk Biceps is too bulk, and bicepy.
There's Micro Chip, but he seems a little more like he'd be Twilight's type. Besides, those glasses are not a look.
There's Sandalwood, but I know he's Fluttershy's secret crush, and I could never do that to her.
There's Snips and Snails, but they are a no for obvious reasons.
Oh, maybe I'm being a little to critical. Maybe I've got this all wrong. And I'm being shallow, but I just want an escort for one night!
Perhaps I've got it all wrong. Maybe I shouldn't be searching for the perfect accessory, but rather the perfect person. The perfect date. But if I was to chose someone who'd I'd genuinely want to be with, them it'd be.... Applejack. But, is it worth risking our friendship? Is it worth risking to know what we could be? Maybe, we should just go as friends, right, it'd be harmless. I mean, we are the only two without any real plans. Oh, that's it! I just have to go and ask her, before it's too late!

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