Star Gazing

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Rarity's POV
I stepped outside, and Applejack sure was right, it was an absolutely marvellous evening. Every star shone with their own special. I stared up in aw, before soon hugging myself. I hadn't realized how chilly the September air was. Plus, despite how amazingly fashionable my skirt and top were, they weren't much against the elements. And I suppose Applejack was also rather cold in her denim skirt and t-shirt, because she reached and inside and returned with two windbreakers. They weren't the most fashionable of colours, but I guess it'd do. Applejack handed me hers which was the same green as her sleeves. Then she put on a larger maroon one, which I assume belonged to Big Mac. Now that I was nice and warm, cuddled up in Applejack's coat, I lay down on the cool grass and admired the night sky. Applejack lay beside me and we just sat in perfect, beautiful silence.

Applejack's POV:
Rarity is so beautiful. Even though I know ma coat ain't anything fashionable, she still manages to look great. Especially with the way the stars shone in her blue eyes and the way the light fell on her fair skin. It was truly incredible.

Rarity's POV:
I glance over at Applejack. Her hat was thrown off to the side and her hands rested behind her head. She looked so peaceful, her chest rising up and down with every breath. She truly is an unappreciated beauty. Then out of some odd impulse or something I find myself scooting closer to her until our bodies are touching. Then as if that weren't enough, I snuggle my head into her neck. She's so warm. I savour it. This truly is an amazing moment.

Applejack's POV:
I feel Rarity's body against me, I can feel every breath she takes. I remove my hand from behind my head and wrap it around her shoulders, pulling her heat into me. I never want this night to-
"Y'all better head in soon, it's gettin' late," Granny Smith yelled out at us. It made me and Rarity both nearly jump outta our skin. So I picked up ma hat and offered Rarity a hand to get up. She yawned and took it.
"I suppose it is getting late," she said as I pulled her up. "You don't mind if I stay the night, do you?"
"Not at all," I reply. It's always a pleasure to have her stay the night. And with that we walk back into the barn.

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