At the Party

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Rarity's POV:
I paced across my floor and glanced out my window again. I was waiting for Fancy Pants to come and pick me up. Perhaps he's just picking up Fleur de Lis on the way, she is his girlfriend and it'd be odd if he just drove me to the party. But it sure wouldn't be a first. It's not unusual for him to be rather flirtatious and even though I feel slightly guilty when doing so, I don't mind flirting back. But I'm really not up for his games tonight. I just want to enjoy myself and have some casual conversation and I hope he feels the same.
*knock knock*
He must be here. I grab my bag and hurried down stairs and opened.
"Greetings Rarity."
And with that he led me to his car. He opened the door for me and I gracefully thanked him and got in.
"You look absolutely stunning tonight," he said, "but then again, when do you not."
"Thank you," I reply. But I felt like I should say more. Every instinct in me told me to flatter him back, but his ego doesn't need it. But I still think he was awaiting it because an awful silence hung in the air for a few seconds before he started the car and we got on our way.
"Where is Fleur de Lis?" I ask. "Isn't she coming?"
"Yes, yes, of course she's coming," said Fancy Pants dismissively. "She's just driving herself tonight."
"But why?" I continued to press even though I could tell he wasn't enjoying it. "It's the right thing to do, especially considering she's you girlfr-"
"YES, yes, I know, but I thought you could use a ride as well."
"But I could've driven myself just as easily as she can."
"Yes, but I wanted to give you a ride," he retorted. "Is that such a bad thing." His voice had a laugh to it and it made me shiver.
"It is when you have a girlfriend!"
Then there was just awkward silence. I could hear every breath each of us took. Every breath he took was him giving in more and more. Not bothering to argue because him and I both knew he was at fault. He should've never offered to give me a ride.
"Here we are," he said, breaking the silence. "At last." He muttered those words under his breath. It made me very uncomfortable, but at least I was free from him to roam about this party at my own will. Plus, I should have enough cash to get a taxi to get me back home. I don't want to deal with Fancy Pants anymore.
- - -
More and more people started coming. It was quite an elegant party. It was at this exquisite garden and they had everything from beautiful lights to waiters carrying trays of fake champagne. One came around to me and I graciously took a glass. Then I took a small, ladylike sip and almost spit it out. But I'm a lady at a fancy event, so I swallowed it. It was so strong. I swirled it around in the glass and took a sniff. That's definitely not fake. What kind of party have I walked in on?
- - -
With every passing hour the party grew crazier and crazier. What started out as calm and collected, had turned to insanely loud. Music screamed in my ears and everyone was doing vulgar dancing. But I'd feel rude to leave so soon. I suppose I'll just sit hear nice and safe to the side with these appetizers, the only remains of what was once a lovely social gathering.
"Will you take this dance with me?"
Fancy Pants stared down at me with his hand extended. I didn't want to take it, but I also didn't want to seem rude. He was the one who invited me here in the first place, so I accepted.
He pulled me up to the crowded and sweaty dance and pushed his body right against mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He held one of my hand in his and placed his other hand around my waist as I placed mine on his shoulder. We slowly began to sway and no matter how close he pulled me I wouldn't let my head rest on his shoulder. I strained my neck to keep from doing that, but the pain was worth not getting any closer to his filth.
I glanced around the the room. I could see many unrecognizable people, and then I saw Fleur de Lis. She looked like she was ready to kill me. And she probably would have, if I weren't wrapped so tightly in Fancy Pants' arms.
"Maybe you should go dance with Fleur," I suggest.
"Did you say something?"
"I said, maybe you should go dance with Fleur!" The music made communication unbearably difficult.
"What was that?"
"Pfft," he said, "she doing just fine on her own." And as he spoke those last words, I felt his hand trial down and squeeze my butt.
I gasped and pushed him away. I was gonna yell something and opened up my mouth, but no words could describe my anger. So I turned around and ran off.
"RARITY!" I heard him yell out at me. "RARITY!" But I didn't even look back, I just kept running.
- - -
I'd been running for a few good minutes before I stopped to breath. I could still hear the party from here, but I didn't care. I just need to call a cab and get out.
I dug through my purse. Thankfully I had never felt comfortable enough to take it off and there was no coat check considering it was still technically a summer party. I easily found my phone, but I didn't have as much cash on me as I thought. I only had a few bits. I guess this means I have to call someone.
My parents would definitely be sleeping, besides I didn't want them to get mad and potentially never let me out again. That would be dreadful.
I could call Twilight, but I don't need to hear her give me a safety lecture.
I didn't want to give Fluttershy a panicky attack and Rainbow Dash would likely laugh at me or roll her eyes or something. Or she might even join the party and try to make it 20% cooler or something.
Pinkie would be here in a flash, but I don't want to deal with her chaotic energy right now.
There's always Sunset of course, but I knew she say I told you so or something. She did kind of see this coming.
I walked back to our table in the cafeteria. Fancy Pants had just invited me to the party and I happily accepted.
"Someone is excited," Pinkie squealed. "Well...come on, spill!"
"Ok," I say as I blushed a pale pink, "Fancy Pants just invited me to his party!"
"Oh! That's so exciting!"
"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" Sunset asked.
"Yes darling, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"I'm just mentions it because he was acting rather flirtatious with you."
"Oh come," Applejack said, "he's just a teenage guy, they're all like that."
"It's true," Twilight "at-"
But before she could give us all a lecture on the science of teenage boys, Applejack interrupted to reason with Sunset some more.
"Besides, it's not like Rarity is gonna do anything. She knows better."
"I guess," Sunset said. "But if anything happens don't say I didn't warn you."
*flashback over*
So Sunset is a no. That leaves Applejack. I was considering her from the very start, I just didn't want to be a bother. I mean maybe I could walk it, but I haven't a clue where I am.
My inner voices kept arguing and without realizing it I had dialled Applejack's number.
I put the phone to my ear and listened to it ring.
Oh please pick up!

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