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Rarity's POV:
Granny Smith was right. As I glanced at the clock, I could see how very late it was. And I was feeling drained anyways. With Applejack following behind me, I walked up stairs. I went into the bathroom first, while I can only assume she was changing in her room. I grab her toothbrush, as I usually do when I stay the night, brush my teeth and then wash my face. I don't have my face washroom or makeup remover with me, and I could streaks of mascara and eyeshadow left on my cheeks. But with some toilet paper and scrubbing, they soon washed away.

Applejack's POV:
I followed Rarity upstairs. She went into the washroom, so I figured I better get changed while I wait for her. As I walked to ma room, I passed Applebloom who looked as snug as a bug in a rug. Oh she's growin' up so fast.
I quickly slip out of my denim skirt and apple t-shirt, and into ma comfy, blue apple onesie.

Rarity's POV:
I finish in the bathroom and enter Applejack's room. I don't even bother knocking, we are both girls.
She was finishing buttoning up her adorable apple onesie, and handed me an identical one that I could use for the night.
"Thank you Applejack."
"No problem," she smiled back as she cuddled up into bed. While she did that, I still had to do my hundred hair brushes before bed. So I grabbed the brush from her dresser and got counting.
-100 brushes later-
Finally, it was time to get some beauty rest. I gently climbed into Applejack's bed, being careful not to wake her because she looks so absolutely peaceful. Then I snuggle up next to her. Her bed is really only meant for one person, so it's a tight fit, but either of us have ever really cared.
The bed was so warm. I breathed in Applejack's sweet scent. She smelled of apples and cinnamon and fresh air, (if that even is a scent), and with one last whiff of her smell, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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