The Mall

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Rarity's POV:
Oh my, what a night last night was. The sun shone through my windows and stung my eyes. Ugh.
I reached over and checked my phone. I scrolled through my messages.
Splendid, everyone is able to make it to the mall today for lunch. But maybe before that I should meet with Applejack, just to make sure we are on the same page.
I quickly send her a message and then I get ready. My simple blue sweater and purple skirt will do for today. It's simple, yet elegant, plus the boots are such a gorgeous statement piece.

Applejack's POV:
Oh, well lookie here, Rarity wants to meet up with me at the mall earlier. I'd bet all ma bits that's it's 'bout last night. Well, I may have to pull some strings with Granny to get outta a chore or two, but I'm sure I can do it, for Rarity at least.
-text convo-
Applejack- Of course I can meet ya then. Ya need a ride?
Rarity- No thank you, I'm fine.
Applejack- Ok then, see ya there.

Rarity's POV:
I don't want a ride with Applejack. I just need to be alone for some time and think of what I'm to say to her.
-time skip to when they are at the mall-
Oh, there she is.
"Applejack, over here," I say while waving.
She waves back. "Howdy Rarity, so what'd ya wanna talk 'bout?"
"I think we both know what I wanted to talk about," I say nervously.
"Yea," Applejack replied while uncomfortably rubbing the back of her neck. "It was..."
"Awkward and wrong," I interject. "Not that I didn't enjoy it," I add with a touch of guilt, "but you are one of my closet and dearest friends and I would hate to ruin that."
"Same here, plus it could've, um..."
"Totally ruined the whole group dynamic."
"Of course, yea. Uh... well I'm glad we're on the same page," she said sounding rather disappointed. And to be quite frank, I was disappointed to, but it's what had to be done.
"Oh, thank you for understanding darling," I say, pulling her into a friendly hug that I make sure doesn't last too long. "Anyways, why don't we find a table, the others are sure to be here soon."
"Sounds like a plan, partner," I glance over abruptly. "Uh, you know what I meant." We shared a small giggle and then found a table.

Applejack's POV:
I do admit that I wished that ended differently, but Rarity was probably right. It would mess with the whole dynamic of things, and we wouldn't wanna do that. Oh lookie, I see Rainbow and Fluttershy.
"Howdy y'all."
Oh, and there's Twilight and Pinkie. I wave out to them.
And finally Sunset shows up.
"Hi there Sunset." She waves and smiles back.
"I see you guys got us a table," Sunset says.
"Of course we did darling," replied Rarity.
"That's great," Rainbow Dash said, "so why don't you save it so we can all get food, then after you can get yourself something."
"Well ok..." Rarity began, but I wasn't gonna let Rainbow be so full of herself like that.
"Why don't ya save the table while we get food, then ya can get somethin' for ya self."
Rainbow glanced 'round and saw all our disapprovin' glances.
"Ugh, fine," she grumbled.

Rarity's POV:
We all got our food, even Rainbow, and then sat back down. Applejack and I shared a look and I gave her a nod. We both knew I should just let it out.
"So I invited you all here for a reason," I started. All their expressions turned worried. "Now it's not a big deal or anything, but I simply thought you all deserved to know."
"What happened?" Sunset asked, sounding very concerned.
"Well, and I don't want to hear you say, I told you so, but, um, something happened with Fancy Pants last night."
"I knew it!" Sunset yelled. "I knew he was a no good, lyin-"
Everyone glared at her and I cleared my throat.
"I was saying, I went to his party and..."
I told my whole story. Fluttershy looked devastated, Rainbow and Sunset looked ready to kill someone, (probably Fancy Pants,) and Twilight and Pinkie Pie looked absolutely stunned. I gulped and looked over to Applejack who was sitting beside me. She gave me a reassuring smile and put a hand on my knee. I turned back to the group.
"Well," Twilight started, "it's a good thing you got out off there when you did bec-"
She stopped talking when I gave her a rude look.
"Never mind," she said.
"But I don't want you girls to make a big deal about this," I say. "I'm fine, so there's nothing to worry about."
They all nodded.
"So, know that we are here," I continue, "let's go shopping!"

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