Good Mornin'!

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Applejack's POV:
The sun was shining and I was ready to get to work. It's gonna be one heck of a busy day today. First I'm gonna help Granny Smith with breakfast, (she always makes something extra special when we have Rarity over) then we're gonna some good ol' fashioned, stompin' applesauce.
I looked over at Rarity and noticed her stirrin' 'round a bit. Maybe I was a little to excited to start the day. So I got outta bed as quietly as I could and got ready.
Since I knew today was gonna be messy, I quickly tied ma hair up into messy bun with a red polka dot piece of cloth, some jeans and an ol', red button up, which I had to tie up because it was so long. Then I quietly tip toed outta ma room and went downstairs to help prepare breakfast.

Rarity POV:
It's so early! I'm no stranger to waking up a little earlier to get ready or do my hair, but the Apples are something else entirely. They are always up bright and early, doing chores and other farm things. Speaking of which, I can smell something delicious being cooked up. I better get ready, I wouldn't want to keep them waiting.
- - -
With a speedy change into my clothes from yesterday and a few quick flicks of makeup that I always keep just in case in my bag, I was ready. It wasn't my most marvellous look, but it would do for now. Besides, I know I'll be dressed up very nicely for Fancy Pant's party tonight.

Applejack's POV:
Rarity walked down lookin' lovely as ever. Sure this were the same clothes she was wearin' yesterday, but if anyone can work day old clothes, it's Rarity.
"You're just in time," I say, "we just finished makin' breakfast." I lay down a plate stacked high with apple pancakes. Mmmhh, they sure do smell terrific, but I'll have to mind my appetite, I don't want Rarity to see what a pig I can really be.

Rarity's POV:
Everything smells splendid. Applebloom followed after Applejack and placed down some toppings on the table. I wonder if they eat like this every day. I know if I did I'd be huge in no time. But I know the Apples have some pretty speedy metabolisms, plus, I'm sure the work on the farm doesn't hurt either.
I take my seat right next to Applejack. We share a smile before everyone begins grabbing and shovelling their pancakes down.
-After breakfast-
Oh my, I sure am regretting wearing such a tight skirt. I usually never overeat this much. Applejack looks over at me and giggles. I can she's already unbuttoned her top button on her jeans.
"I think we might've made a few too many pancakes," she chuckles.
"And there's still some left over!" explained Applebloom.
"Excuse me," I say as I carefully push myself up, "but I better get my stuff and be on my way."
"I'll help you with your stuff," Applejack said almost too enthusiastically, as she straighten, then pushed herself up from her chair.

Applejack's POV:
As we headed into ma room, I was prepared to get Rarity's things because I knew she had that party tonight. I know she didn't pack much, but I wanted to just spend a few more minutes with her. But before I could even enter she sprawled herself out on ma bed. I guess sitting up so darn straight and proper didn't allow much room for the food to sit. Oh well, I guess I'll lye with her.

Rarity's POV:
Lying down felt a bit better, but I was feeling awfully bloated. I better not eat the rest of the day if I'm to fit into my dress for tonight.
Applejack pushed my arm a bit and I, as quickly as I could, moved it over so she could lye with me. Then I slowly rubbed my stomach to relieve some of the pain. Unlike her, I wasn't comfortable enough to even slouch in my chair around other people. And I know that the Apples isn't care much about that sort of thing, but I do. But in this bedroom it's just Applejack and-
"Oh my!," I exclaim. "Excuse me!"
Applejack gave her chest a hard knock and then-
We made eye contact and both burst out laughing. Applejack can make anything better.

Applejack POV:
As our laughter started dying down I got up and offered Rarity a hand. She grabbed it and I pulled her up. She walked over and grabbed her stuff, but mid way turning back, she stopped to stare in ma mirror.
"Oh, I sure do hope I'm able to hit into ma dress tonight."
I walked over and place my hand on her upper arms.
"You'll look amazing, I just know it," I assured her.
She spun around and hugged me so tight I could barley breath, but I hugged back. Then she pulled away. She stared into ma eyes and I gazed back. I couldn't look away, her eyes were just so darn captivating. I felt her leaning closer and I could smell her scent of a floral perfume mixed with the scent of apples and this farm. I breathed it in and savoured it.

Rarity's POV:
Applejack and I slowly drew into each other, closer and closed. Our eyes didn't break for even a second. I was nervous. My heart began to pound in chest and it felt as if it were about to burst. I need to say something.
"Your hair looks so gorgeous like that, you should wear it up more often."

Applejack's POV:
I was stunned. The fashionista giving ME a complimented. I blushed.
"T-thanks," I said as I awkwardly rubbed behind ma neck.
Our eyes met for another split second and we both turned bright red.
"Well I better get going," Rarity said.
"Let me lead ya out."
She gestured for me to take the lead and soon enough we were all waving goodbye.

Rarity's POV:
Applejack and her family all waved bye as we parted ways.
"Have fun at your fancy party," Applejack yelled out.
"Have fun making, uh, applesauce and doing, uh, apple things," I said with an awkward smile. I don't know why it came out so ungracefully like that, but it's too late now. So I just drove off. Besides, I have other things to worry about, most importantly, looking good for this party.

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